At the age of 17 I developed a patch of baldness in my head I never said anything or went to the doctor I didn't know what it was just covered it and waited for it to grow back. It grew back and I never thought nothing of it. Now that I look back I realize it was alopecia. Last week I went to my doctor and he told me I had alopecia but that was all he said I have to see a dermatologist, so I'm going to be seeing a dermatologist. So I did some research online and came across a woman's story she suffered from alopecia but it then became alopecia totalis. I'm worried the alopecia I had as a teen has come back and is now alopecia totalis. When I wash my hair and throughout the day my hair is just coming out in small amounts but more then normal. It doesn't stop my scalp seems to sting like a prickly feeling and burn and itch I have half the hair I had a month ago and it doesn't stop falling out I'm worried in no time I will lose it all. I do not have any patches but my hair is sooo thin! And all day all I feel is the weird sensations on my scalp. I lost over 100 strands yesterday. Has anybody experiences this? Could this be alopecia totalis? I want to mentally prepare if the doctor tells me this.

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You will never be able to know if you will lose it all... or if it will grow back. But its not so bad. I have been to NY and wigs are awesome there. I always prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Its how I role. Mine felt like that. Its ok. Not the end of the world. HS people are idiots, so dont worry about people... if not hair, they all find something. Do not count strands, you will make urself crazy. Just relax and take it day to day. You will be ok.

It could be what you fear. I would recommend eating, sleeping, and living well. Yes blunt, and cliche, but it will only help everything! I remember how it felt to watch the hair dissipate day to day until it was time to give up. I never want to feel like that again, and I wont. I have only stuck with natural treatments ( Ayerveda ), started taking vitamins, and encouraged blood flow ( massage-rs ). It has been a slow start but as my stress goes down, I feel as though the hair has come back. It isn't the colour, or thickness it once was, but it is returning.

I often feel like I have "stressed" my hair away. I now refuse to! I tell you this only to make you think of the, if any, connection to the first time you lost some hair until now. If the relating times are stress full, address it!

I recommend Ayerveda. Even if it doesn't work it is made of natural oils that make the scalp feel good.


PS I would say Im almost 90% scalp hair regrowth!



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