So it all started around my 25th birthday when I went to get a routine haircut. The barber was shaving my part line and said I had a very tiny bald spot on it. I didn't believe him because i never been to him before and thought he just messed up. A few weeks later the spot got bigger, so I went to a dermatologist and she said it could be alopecia areata and injected it with cortisone steroids. After another two weeks I got another small bald spot on the back of my head. I went back to the derm, who said it look more like I had ringworm, or black dot tinea, because they hair loss didn't resemble alopecia areata since I had severe dandruff and flaking(which I never had before). She gave me a dangerous anti fugal oral med to take, which I was scared because I could lose my sense of taste and liver. So I decide to go the Cleveland clinic. They did a biopsy because they were also unsure, since my hair was dry, brittle, had flaming, Cardiff and split ends everywhere, along with now two half dollar sized bald spots. But they weren't smooth or completely bald, they had black dots and some hair. The biopsy said I had trictotallmania, but since I don't pull my hair out they said it must be alopecia areata, but it looks more like tricot. My question is I have the spots, my hair is falling out all over. But the spots aren't smooth. My hairs seems to have absolutely no oil, even when I try to condition it. The dandruff is immense. However, I have no inflammation of redness, or bumps. Do I have alopecia, or is my hair not producing enough oil and it's breaking off because it's so dry and brittle? If I have alopecia areata where at the comma hairs? Why do I have black dots, why aren't all the hairs the same length? This are key factors doctors look for. Also why would I all of a sudden have dandruff and dry hair, I've always had very oily hair with absolutely no dandruff. I've had blood tests, no THyroid problems or anything. And what's even weirder is that I have black coiled hairs on my arms and legs. The doctors thought I had scurvy at one point until my vitamin C can back fine. But I'm not losing body hair, in fact I'm actually growing more arm hair than ever before. The bumps are like new hair sprouting from what it looks like. So what's going on?

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