Hello beautiful people.
I am 20 years old and have suffered with alopecia since I was around 6 or 7. It started as alopecia areata and soon went to my whole body and i have patchy hair all over my body, from head to toe. I do good with covering it up as I AM NOT confident with my appearance. I wear a wig, fake eyebrows, and fake eyelashes.
I'm at a point in my life where I think I might want to join the Airforce or Navy. My parents were both Navy and my little brother is currently enlisted. He is talking highly of it and is really pushing me to join or do something.
In another life where I didnt struggle with alopecia, I just might. But I lack so much confidence going all bare that I dont think I can.
Again... I am a 20 year old girl!
Has anybody else went through this? Something similar ?? I think if I really want to join I might just shave the rest of my head (not much left), get a tattoo that mimics a buzz cut, get my eyebrows tattooed again to look REAL GOOD, instead of the weird that they have now, and maybe get my eyeliner done again?
I really wish they would let me wear this stuff in the navy/airforce but I doubt they would.
PLEASE give me words of encouragement and advice. Especially if you went through a similar situation. I hate this disease.
Look, I know you're young and being a girl this "disease" is probably much harder than you than for me a 33 year old already bald man. But I think I can give you some advice if you bear with me and read my post about one lesson I learned in life that hopefully I could pass on to you.
I started out my life much like yourself wanting you serve in the armed forces. It was the only thing I thought and cared about. I lived, ate, breathed everything that had to do with the military. Then one day in my early teens my parents noticed that I would wake up in the middle of the night all stiff so they took me to the doctors and after a series of tests they diagnosed me with epilepsy and I felt like the world had ended and my dream was dead. The doctor said sorry son but no military service for you.
After that I stopped caring about everything. I started getting involved heavily with drugs and crime. Really heavily. When I was tweenty I found out that I never had epilepsy but that it was just plain old anxiety but at this point I no longer cared. Instead of cleaning up my act and pursuing my childhood dream (which deep down was still alive and well) I felt weak, insecure, and fearful. Thus I decided to double down on drugs and crime. I went to jail, lost all my friends to either drugs or violence.
Then one day I was 27 years old with nothing to show for the past 15 years of my life except for a long wrap sheet a fucked up liver and a string of funerals from all the people I lost and a shitty bachlors degree that I barely got. I decided that enough was enough and quit all that shit and started to turn my life around.
Today at 33 my life is completely different than it was. I'm working in research building machine learning and AI models for research in psychiatry. I got my Masters Degree in Medical Science and am about to embark on my PhD. I'm also running a small business on the side and I've made a lot of money in a short amount of time.
Now you might ask sure great good for you what's the point of all this? Well I'll tell you. Not a day goes by that I don't regret going into the military at 20 when I found out I didn't have epilepsy. NOTHING in this life is worse than giving up on your dreams because of fear. NOTHING. Not even prison, overdosing on drugs, hurting those you love, or even losing those that are close to you. It will haunt you for the rest of your life and you can never go back and change it.
You've got one life. And beauty fades. Fuck it be the best you can be. Throw that wig and those fake ass eye lashes in the trash. Put two middle fingers up to the world and tell it and the standards it sets for female beauty to go fuck itself. March into the nearest recruitment office and sign up as a proud confident patriot who is willing to put her life down for the country she loves. If you can do this you will prove to yourself and the world that you have an inner strength that most people on this earth lack and this will carry you so far in life to places that you cannot even imagine.
If you don't. Then you'll live your life ruled by fear and fade into obscurity filled with bitterness and regret.
But that's just my two cents. Hope it's worth something.
I know as a teenager, you have much fantasy. But i am sure, wanting to join in Navy or Airforce is not your fantasy, you are serious about it. Then just go for it. Search online for detail. I believe everyone goes for their passion. I did it 5 years ago. And i can strongly say you that the decision of engaging https://craftresumes.com/resume-help/ as an academic writer was fantastic! I am happy now with my job. Thank you.!
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