My daughter is 8 and has had recurring AA since she was 4... for her, it also coincides with eczema... I had taken her to a homeopath, and we quickly resolved the first round of AA with some herbal treatments specific to her case, but 2 years later, it came back in a new spot, and we haven't had any luck solving it this time... it's been one and a half years now... she knows her skin is so smooth and beautiful and loves that everyone else seems to want to be like her. I am going to try using a homeopathic remedy called Silica on her, as she has weak finger nails as well. We shall see. Good luck to you.

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My son had 5 large spots and like yourself I went the homeopathic route before thinking about cortisone shots. I tried several ideas but it seemed giving him green smoothies (book by Victoria Boutenko) every day (eating raw as she describes was not an option) all his hair grew back, I saw peach fuzz in under a month after almost a year with nothing. So far so good we hope it doesn't recur. As much as I tried to be positive it bothered him very much. After the last spot grew in he burst out crying from the stress of it that he felt. He also had eczema as a baby like your daughter. Good Luck, hope your daughter fares well.



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