Anyone had a hormone panel done for alopecia areata? Mine started after my first child then stopped when pregnant with my second. Now 7 months post partum it's back. Anyone think this could be hormone related? Had a hormone panel done today, waiting on results.

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Have you heard back? - I was diagnosed with alopecia and I was 31 weeks and now I am 36 and it has been spreading drastically.
It is not hormones. My hormone levels came back fine. Mine started after I had my first child 2 years ago. I was 30 years old. Now 32. I think having a baby triggered something. But I did just find out that I have an egg intolerance, never had it before kids. The allergist seems to think that the egg intolerance is adding to this. Causing inflammation. I'm not sure though. Getting a second opinion from an allergy specialist. Are you doing okay?



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