Did anyone see this show last night? A quote from Julia Louis Dreyfus' character (the Vice President of the US) "The kids had alopecia and the mothers were on crack. It was a freakshow!"

We need to write HBO to tell them that alopecia has NOTHING to do with substance abuse and that we are not "freak shows".


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wow, that's terrible and I agree..

Well I didn't see the show, but the only thing I can say to reply to this in having alopeica is that I don't really find it that offensive...one upside is that they are aware it's out there,,,the downside is that they always make fun of something they know nothing about or care about...so it's up to us to educate...I don't get the joke,,,it seems she is comparing us to crack heads,,,but really she is saying alopecia is a freakish thing...which really that's what people think of anything that is off the wall...

Alopecia is out there. These are suppose to be talented writers so why not do the research before using it in a line. I do find it offensive using it in any other way than promoting awareness.

Is there an address to contact? I don't watch television nor do I know that show but I don't like implication that someone with alopecia is a freak. I have a friend whose sister, tragically, is on streets and taking cracks. I can guess she'd be offended too. The way the joke was written...any quality or condition used would be offensive since the character was making fun of people and calling them freak shows.

And I now remember why I haven't watched t.v. Regularly since Cheers went off the air!


leave a comment for HBO! I just did.

I just left them a comment. Hope it makes a difference.

Thank you for the alert.

no accounting for ignorance!

It's unfortunate, but I have been seeing this more and more on television shows and commercials. I don't understand why alopecia and hair loss is considered to be funny? Yes, we are promoting awareness, but not to give these "writers" more fuel for their jokes. We (and NAAF) need to fight back and make MUCH MUCH MUCH noise about this. We have GOT to be more aggressive. What do we need to do?

I just sent them a comment at this address:

It is HBO's "Contact Us" form on their website. If a lot of us do this, they'll listen! I told them they've added stigma to the condition of having alopecia areata and I also said it is difficult for many children to go to school with this condition because they can be teased and bullied. I asked that they make up for this and educate people on the condition and referred them to the NAAF website.

There's a phone number for Consumer Affairs on this same page: 212-512-1208. I called tonight, but they're closed. Will call tomorrow!

Leave your comments at HBO's comment form:



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