Hi all!

I have recently been experiencing a lot of hair fall. It started 2.5 months ago (I noticed it in September).. it's been diffuse all over my scalp, but the middle part is definitely a bit wider (though not severely wide like in some photos I've seen) and it has been since about July of this year. I have seborrheic dermatitis, or at least seborrhea, according to a hair specialist I've seen (trichologist). I've yet to see a dermatologist but will be trying to (wait time is long). 

I've seen doctors and none of them have told me it looks like female pattern loss or scarring alopecia, but it's now November and I feel like the crown area is definitely thinner than it should be. This is where my dermatitis has acted up a LOT (it's also acted up a lot near my ears, under my hairline, and generally all over my head but it's less crazy in some areas). I'm just worried that this means I have AGA or FPHL that has been onset very early. I'm 28, this started just before my 28th birthday (which was last month). My father lost his hair in his 30s but I see him now and I still see that he has some hair at the top (he just shaves it). My mom is dealing with some hair loss now, but I suspect hers is to do with her medical condition/stress/going through menopause. They're both in their 50s.

So, as someone in my 20s, who has always had very thick hair, I'm just worried that this is permanent. I'm wondering, for those of you who didn't deal with overall loss, how did you figure out if it was permanent loss or if it would just grow back? I'm hoping mine does grow back in the next few months-year, but if it's permanent, I'd rather know now and figure out how to manage it. I'll be asking my trichologist this week but wondering if you had any tips to figure this out?

Thank you. :) 

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