How do you get used to having "more" hair wearing first topper?

Hi everyone....I have been thinning on top for several years and was using hair powders but it was becoming too extensive at the I took the plunge and visited a salon who specialise in "helper hair" and have now had a topper for a week. I told everyone on Facebook as I didn't want questioning looks as to why all of a sudden, I had lots of hair. That was a relief in itself to be honest. Many, many supportive messages followed and I can just get on with living.

So, my question do you get used to having way more hair than you have had for years?? Mine is a topper with grips as I still have enough hair to attach it to, it is remy hair and the colour matches perfectly. I am going back to have more of an inverted bob cut in as this is my usual hair style, but I just can't get used to having more hair. I think this makes me conscious that it may look "wiggy" although those I trust say it doesn't. Help! Does this feeling go away? 

Also, those who have real hair long can they last?

Elena x

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