How long until the spot is as big as it's gonna get?

Hi all. I am new here. My 4 year old was just diagnosed with AA. She has just one small spot on the top of her head about the size of a dime. I've tried to read as much as I can online before asking a question here but can't seem to find anything specific so thank you for helping. The hair on that spot fell out literally over night. It's been a month since then and it doesn't seem to have gotten much bigger... maybe a tiny bit. So this is my question.... when people get spots, does the hair typically all fall out and then stop (meaning, once the hair is gone in that particular spot it's as big as it's going to get)? Or does the spot continue to get bigger over the course of a couple months or a year or longer? What's typical? Maybe there is no typical.

I know she may develop other spots but I wondered if there was anything I could expect as far as this particular spot was concerned. I suppose I will get calmer about everything as I learn more but right now it's all a little scary.

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Hi there! From my own experiences with AA, there is no typical, and my dermatologist tends to agree with me. My hair started falling out just over 3 years ago. At first it was one quarter sized spot, then 2 more smaller ones appeared. They didn't get much bigger once those ares were completely bald, but my hair line started receding and my part got a little wider. I lost my eyelashes too. Then about 5 months after, it all came back. It took about 9 months for it all to come back. Then about 2 months after it was all back, I noticed 3 or 4 small spots again. This time they got larger and larger until I had no hair, no eye brows or lashes. The total time it took me to lose all my hair was about 4 months. That was about a year ago. Now it's coming back again, but I still have large spots. One thing I'm finding is that the areas where the hair first fell out is the last to grow back.

I think the pattern and how long things take is different for everybody. It's nice to hear others stories, just so that you have some idea of what you might see in your daughter, but it could be totally different for her. Hopefully it won't get any bigger and she'll have all her hair again soon! Good luck!
Thank you so much. It does help to hear others' stories. The little spot she has now is completely bald so maybe that's it for now. I won't lie and say I'm not scared or worried about what this will mean for her in the future but truly I am thankful that it isn't something serious. But dang, I was really hoping it was ringworm or something a prescription would fix in a week. :)

My doctor told me since she showed a spot that she will have alopecia all her life and that spots will mostly likely come and go. Big and small. Stay for a while, or a long time. Lois, you said maybe the only spot.... do people ever have just one and never again?
I'm a teacher and was talking to one of my students parents about my hair loss. She said that when her daughter was a preschooler, she went to a day home. She'd been going to the same day home for a few years and all of a sudden he got a bald spot at the back of her head. The parents took her to the pediatrician, they tested her for all sorts of things, couldn't figure it out. One day the day home lady mentioned that her and her husband were splitting up and that there had been a lot of tension and fighting going on in the house lately. Once the husband was out of the house and it wasn't such a stressful environment, the little girls hair started coming back! Goes to show the power of stress. It was interesting too that this student of mine also has Epilepsy, as do I!



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