I have alopipicia had have had it for many years, my focus has been on finding what's causing it rather than "treatment". I think without finding the root cause than I'll never find the cure.

All of the research I've done points toward chronic infections( things like Lyme disease, fungal/yeast overgrowth , parasites etc)and heavy metal toxicity as the root causes , with heavy metals being primary and infections being secondary. How many members here have silver fillings in their teeth? They contain and leak mercury into the body round the clock. Also how many have co existing health problems (mental or physical , in reality they are one in the same )

Various allergies , depression , anxiety , panic attacks , fatigue , lethargy are all symptoms of these issues as well. I'm interested to hear members health histories and backround info. When did your alopecia start? Did anything change in your life before this like diet, stress, illness , dental work, vaccinations etc

Putting the pieces of this puzzle together might be easier then we think if we all get on the same page. A big thing for me was realizing alopecia was a symptom of a problem in my body , not the problem itself. Let's find out what the problem is ...

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I had all my silver fillings removed and still no hair regrowth so scratch that as a cause. If silver fillings were the cause, over half the population would have alopecia.

My mental and physical health is excellent. Since doctors for years have been trying to find a a cure for autoimmune diseases, I doubt we will solve it on our own.

I concur.
had my silver fillings removed also.
Having silver fillings removed isn't going to remove the mercury from your body. You have to chelate the mercury out and this is a tricky process.

Imagine if I've been dumping this toxic waste into a pond for decades and than I stop dumping it, would you consider this pond clean now? Of course not.

Amalgam fillings are just a piece of the puzzle...

Take your body temp first thing in the morning , a relatively healthy person will have a temp of 98.6. A person with an acute infection will run a higher temp, a person that is immunocompromised with chronic infections and overburdened with toxins will have a temp lower than 98.6 , normally between 97.0 and 98.0.

Please answer the questions I've asked in the original post regarding current or past mental or physical health issues . Everything big or small , with or without clinical diagnosis
I would say more than half the population does have alopecia to some degree, I'm guessing only the severe cases receive a clinical diagnosis. Take a good look at people next time your in public, look at how many people have thinning eyebrows or beards with bald spots or thinning. The term alopecia means nothing, it's a made up name for a symptom. If you are losing hair than something is obviously going on inside you, and you should want to know why.

And sadly modern medicine is about symptom management($$$) rather than identification of cause and cure. Research how funding is spent for autoimmune diseases. very little of the money, if any at all is spent on indentifion of cause. Most studies are done on "treatment" with pharmaceutical drugs. If someone is drug dependent they are a customer for life. This is a multi billion dollar industry we are talking about here. The FDA and the CDC are in bed with the big pharmaceutical companies, I'm sure you are aware of corruption in government and with politicians , how they are swayed by lobbyists of corporations to make and change laws to suit the corporations needs. This same corruption is in our health care system...

It's my understanding that most people with alopecia are otherwise healthy with a much smaller percentage suffering from other autoimmune conditions too. It could well be that there isn't one cause for alopecia.

I can assure you that you have something negative going on inside your body if you have alopecia . if their is an effect , their is always a cause. Is the cause going to be the same for everyone ? Probably not. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be inquisitive and compare symptoms and variables ...
interesting when u say that a lot of people have alopecia.
I agree with u that LOTS of people have spots in beards. not on head but on beard yes.
now take in consideration these 2 facts. Some develop this disease very early in life. even at birth. There is a genetic component because identical twins have 55% of developing it if one of them has it. and with AU often another member in the family has a history of Alopecia.

true that there is a billion dollar industry with pharmaceutical companies... but there is also another industry of people selling snake oil and trying to make u believe that u need to clean the body to cure Alopecia. from a certified naturopath to a complete stranger to even a person with a history of Alopecia all try to scam us... so we must be very cautious!
Lol not this again. Diet, Mercury, vaccines etc do not cause alopecia. What part of genetic autoimmune disease do you not you not understand? And there are no chronic sub clinical infections. That's a myth created by people selling cleanses and vitamins.
So Lyme disease is a myth huh ? And the same goes for yeast and fungal overgrowths ? And mercury isn't toxic ???
Every body in the US has been blasted with antibiotics. And Lyme disease has other symptoms not just hair loss. Lots of people have yeast infections and no hair loss. Fungal infections are very rare. And having a fungus growing in your armpit is not going to cause you to lose your hair. I'm a nurse and I work in intensive care. I see people go into severe septic shock from infection with their whole body out of wack. But guess what? There hair does not fall out. If an acute infection that almost kills you doesn't throw your immune system off how would a pathetic little yeast infection on top of the skin of your groin? Think about this really hard before you make another ridiculous discussion. As far as Lyme disease is concerned I'll give you that one. The problem is most people do not have it as you can only get in certain parts of the world. And as I said before if we are talking about the use most people have been blasted with plenty of antibiotics.
You are very , very ignorant.
Lol I'm the ignorant one right. Because I don't believe in magical undiagnosable infections with no symptoms that don't show up on microbial cultures or reflect in any changes in a persons blood work particularly in a CBC with auto diff. Buff even if we assume you are right. All of our hairs should start growing back as soon as we touch some antibiotics. God look at all of the stupid people on this website spending thousands on xeljanz when they just need 20 dollars worth of ciprofloxacin and flagyl hahaha. You are a genius.



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