Ive had AA since I was 8 years old and this year I will be turning 24. Over the past few months I have become tired of covering my head all the time. The wigs are hot and at time uncomfortable. I do go out in my backyard without them and the wind and sun feels great on my head. My husband is completely supportive of me going outside bald and actually prefers me bald. My goal is to go out without anything on my head this summer, but deep down Im very afraid. So I guess my question is, how did you wake up one day and have the courage to out outside in public completely bald?

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I just decided why should I have to suffer itching all day in a wig to make others ok with my image. So I just stopped wearing them. Some people talk about you or look at you funny but I say if my little bald head bothers them, then they can just look away.

It was gradual for me.  It started in my home.  When my friends and family came over they knew that I would not be wearing a wig -- the same way others may not wear makeup at home.  That eventually extended to the gym until finally I found that the only place I was wearing the wig was at work.  I knew I wanted to get there too, but it took some time.  One day I had the thought that what was different on the both sides of my work door.  I came to the conclusion that for me there was no difference.  Even most of the people at work had seen me without my hair when we saw each other outside of the office setting.  So, one day I went to the company Christmas Party without the wig and never put it back on again. Here is a blog about my first experience going out bald in public.   Hope it helps.  


I used to be extremely private about my alopecia being in high school and the fear of never being able to be accepted the way I used to terrified me. The day I came out was because a student at my school had found my profile on here and posted the only picture I had ever taken without my wig on ask.fm and it spread like wild fire, I was pissed and so hurt that some kid decided they had the right to do that, so I literally just whipped off my wig so that I felt like it was kind of my decision on how I approached it. I don't wear my wig a whole lot anymore but I have a 16" freedom wig coming in a couple weeks so i'll start wearing a wig again when that comes.  

Step out in faith my dear.......God made you.......own yourself!!! You are beautiful!!!!  Others don't define you!!

I hate going out at all with my allopecia I can't wear wigs because my allopecia is very painfull and my only option is a head scarf.I find people stare all the time or make horrible comments.It depends on if you have enough support.
I get the 'pimples' / folliculitis on my scalp which show as almost a constant rash, and I also have vililigo, so not really a nice smoothe head that is pleasant to look at. Explaining alopecia is bad enough, but the 3 together ... And, who wants to see an old, wrinkled head?

I am also in my late 60s and was raised with girdles, hose, make-up, high heels and other acrutrements on a daily basis. We wore wigs in the 1960s to always present our best. To this day, I will not go out in public without make-up. Nor covering my head in some way, which is usually scarves as they are less irritating. My answer to the question of bald vs headcover is deeply rooted in my younger self. br />

To me, its not a question of being brave enough to go out bald. Its a matter of self respect and respect for others. If you want to go out bald, I have nothing but respect for you and your decision.
Hi I'm 51 have had aau for the past 7 years I haven't gone without a wig in all that time except for when I'm home I have beautiful wigs that people would stop me and tell me what beautiful hair I have... and I always giggle but I'm am so ready to go bald I'm told I have a nice shaped head and it's nice and smooth everyone that I know from family to work knows I have alopecia I don't know what's holding me back is it the stares the remarks maybe... just wish I had a little more confidence in myself to do it ... thank you for your story and letting me vent



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