Hi guys,
wanted to share my story real quick then the fix I found. keep in mind I don't know a lot about Alopecia, except that it sucks..
I had mine since I was a baby. all I know is my parents told me it's alopecia areata. I get about the size of a dime to quarter size spots. Mine seem to grow back very very slow taking a year plus.. I know mine is caused by stress, as I get older I question if some has to do with hormone fluctuation but it's always traced back to when I freaked out about something. I can literally anticipate one if I flipped out about something, I know then one is coming. I usually have about 1-5 going on at any given time.
so a long time ago, I found this product called, cover grey. I just wanted the few spots I had to be hidden so I could relax so I bought this product and applied it to my areas.. to my surprise the hair started growing back pretty soon, I would say 2-4 weeks. I notice the quicker I catch them like if they happen and I know they do as I get the sensation and then check and yep it's there.. If I apply this thing to it everyday it will grow back in about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. I notice if I've had the spot for a while it takes longer to get it to grow back in oddly..
I literally have not tried any new medications the doctors have, as I guess I'm too embarrassed to go in, nor am I getting shots in my head.. when I was young I would use this white cream in a orange or blue metal squeeze tube but that was like 30 years ago, and it would turn my spot red then it would grow back ,and same thing if I caught it like the day it happened it would grow back quick but if I didn't they would be stubborn to grow back.. point being I don't know if I would respond to the medications available, I don't know if applying cover grey is toxic to my head, but for the benefit of stress way down, I take the chance..
I just wanted to share that guys, it's also pretty odd sharing as only my family and wife know.. it's a hidden part of me that no one knows about. I just wanted to see if it helps anyone else with maybe similar condition to me as apparently reading on it there is a lot of types, when I was young I just thought there was one type. also just for fact keeping, mine is inherited as my mom had it and was just told my asian side gets its commonly, as did my sister as she got older.
hope that helps anyone, or if it helps hide it so you can go on with the day not worrying if the wind will blow, HAHAHAHAHAHA
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