Sometimes I get so mad or sad about stupid things that shouldn't bother me. I get so upset when people ask meif I have cancer or if I draw on my eyebrows. I hate when people start rumors when they have no idea what's wrong with me. "Oh did you hear about Cecily? She has cancer. That's why she wasn't at school today." I've tried to explain it to people to, and that doesn't work. I can't do what I want when i grow up because I don't have hair. Have you ever seen a bald ballerina? Neither have I. all I've wanted to do since I was 5 was ance, but that's when my hair started falling out and ruining my life. I have to be perfect in every other way to make up for my hair loss. I have an appointment on the 20th of June to get some shots in my head, I want them to work so so so bad I don't even care that they're shots. I just want to have hair and make all the rumours stop and be able to dance.

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Hi Cecily

It's ok to be sad or mad about having alopecia as long as you are working on ways to work this all out for yourself - which is sometimes easier said than done. So, don't be to hard on yourself, care for you, because you deserve it.

Alopecia is a very uncontrollable problem that does sometimes make people think they can't do what they did before, or they somehow can't meet their potential. I disagree with this as I believe you can do what means the world to you.

You can dance and you most certainly can be a ballerina if that is what you want. I actually do know a young lady in Australia that is a ballerina (who has AU) - I've some great piccies of her. She competes and does her thing very very well. (If you would like me to pass on the piccies just message me with your email address and I will send them to you).

People talking about you instead of talking to you is a difficult one to come to terms with but the reality for everyone (including those with hairloss) is that you cannot control everything. What you can do is educate and pass on your truth everytime the opportunity arises. Make sure those that love you and know you are doing the same. They will help you and help people to understand that talking about you isn't ok unless they have the truth and are trying to support you.

You don't have to be perfect in every other way to make up for your hairloss. You are already as you should be. I would like you to do a little excercise for me. If you were mentoring someone a little younger than you with Alopecia... would you tell them they have to be perfect in everyway...I know you wouldn't... you would be kind and supportive and work out how to make this better for them. Do the same thing for yourself.

What are the things that are stopping you being a ballerina??? I understand they have strict criteria around presentation, but I know for sure that you can work that out with help... is that the problem???

Don't despair... everything can be worked out and you can find your way and reach your full potential even with alopecia.

Hugs for you, I understand this may be terribly overwhelming at the moment.


Hi Cecily, I know this is a difficult thing to overcome. When I first was diagnosed with AU I didn't even want to leave my house !! I was asked those very same questions "Why do you shave your eyebrows just to draw them on" ?? Really I would think to myself then just tell them "I wouldn't draw them on if I had any". People are always going to jump to conclusions if your not up front about it. I like to get my cell out and pull up this website. I say see there are others with the same thing. I really hope you don't let this STOP you from doing what you dream of doing !! If your concerned about things like the dreaded wig falling off in front of people try a lace front wig that you can tape on the front or even a full lace wig that you can tape all the way around. I have used both and I like the lace front. Its just easier to apply however a full lace can even be pulled into a ponytail. You could even be very bold and not wear a wig. Whatever you do please just dance !!! I wish you the best of luck !!



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