I have had AA my whole life. A few questions about the future.

I have had AA my whole life, luckily for me it never really caused a problem for me growing up. I am very outgoing, have plenty of friends, never really made fun of at school (I was the class clown, I made the jokes). My question is, what are the chances of any of my children (if I decide to have any) developing alopecia? Is it a guarantee that they will get it?

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Difficult to get unless you're in the rarest of multi-plex families where this shows up in many generations.
One study done years ago and not replicated put the stats at only 20% lifetime chance of developing some form of AA when there's a blood related relative.

And when that number 1.7% ( usually rounded up to 2%) of the general population, keep in mind that it efers to any form of alopecia areata including transient one-time occurrences over a lifetime.

If the concern is to not have children because of a risk of aa, keep in mind that there's a far greater chance of something really serious occurring that no one would ever predict.

Read alerts and reports from the National Safety Commission if ever you want something really to worry about...like the number of impaired drivers who are sharing the road with us everyday or the statistics on fatal teen driver accidents.

I've known people to use the hyper-worry about aa as a way to avoid the real issue of whether to take on the responsibilities of parenting. So when the time comes it's helpful to differentiate if AA is used as a stall tactic to avoid an internal conflict about parenting.

hi i just wanted to say that i have experienced the same issue with alopecia a...all my life



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