For the past month i have been putting urine on my head at least once a day. I know it sounds so gross but if it is going to bring back my hair then i do not care what anyone thinks. Since then my white hairs have turned black and it seems to be coming back. Its the best progress i have had in the whole three years i have had AT.

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Soo interesting!! Whatever works ya know? Keep us updated on your progress you may have something there! Urine can be a powerful anti infection agent so I wouldn't be surprised if it communicates with the alopecia. Brave girl you are though :)
How long were your hairs white for ?
what do ya mean i should see a psychiatrist? i think you should shut up.
Oh, Sooo, what sort of opinion do you have of me??? Yep... the right one.... :)

Hilary, d'ya know, I thought I just read that you put urine on your head. How funny is that? Ha!
.....what? you DO? Oh..... well. Erm. Ok, right.....

Look, er, I know you really, really want your hair back, but.... how much do you hate your friends, making them walk round with pegs on their noses???? :)
And, like, being bald is great, really. No, it is, honest. Suddenly, it's not bad at all!!! :)

But I need to ask.... how do you P on your own head???? Wow... that's like.... well.... naaaah, sorry, can't seem to picture it :)

Oh, and unfortunately, it also just occurred to me to ask what the next step is, if this doesn't work...... argh, nooooooooo!!!!

But seriously: if it works for ya..... if it makes you feel better.... go for it!!

Hugs - the Norm xx
Hilary that is awesome to hear that it's working! I would love to hear the success in the future! Keep smiling :)
This lady came upto me at church and suggested it. I really don't care what any of you think if it's going to make me have hair again then good i dont care what anyone thinks of this. And if you all of you WANT to be bald for the rest of your lives then be it. Thanks to the people who were actually supportive and nice about it.
Wow! I am also imagining it is working like an irritant but its natural and much less expensive than prescription or otc meds. Can't wait to hear about more progress!!
There is a baseball player that uses urine high hand and I can't recall why. I know people talked about it. Whatever works for you! I would rather go natural than take drugs anyway!
oops I don't know what I was typing but I meant the baseball player using it on his hands. I think he does this in the colder weather for some reason.

For people wonding why urine and the benefits read the above website. AMAZING!
thanx :)
Hey you are not the only one who has thought this.... I totally thought of doing this and all me friends thought I was crazy lol in a good way. I just never think of doing it in the morning. thought that maybe it would contain the most of whatever it has init then.. so cool I may have to try this!!! we should compare notes.. give me whatever pointers you have. beside can't be any worse then rubbing onion on your head, i've done that...

good for you
let you know what happens here

thanks for putting yourself out there like that




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