Although my son loses hair, it seems to grow in quite quickly. For example, he has a "strip" of hair loss which started about a month ago. The spot where it first started is already starting to grow back. While this is a positive thing, it puts him on somewhat of a roller coaste ride of emotions. Since he was first diagnosed with AA a year ago, he is on his fourth round of hair loss, in between which his hair has completely grown back. From what I have read, this is not the "typical" route that Alopecia takes. Any thoughts? Thanks!

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My daughter was like this was for about a year. It started when she was 5. A spot would show up and we would have injections and it would grow back. The spots varied in size, but they always came back. We spent a whole year without anyone realizing she had Alopecia. We would just pull her hair up and covered the spots. After about a year she was sick for a couple of days and lost it all within a few weeks. It was really surprising because she hadn't had any spots in a couple of months. She had hair down to her to her waist before she lost it all. She is 6 now and has been AU for about 5 months. She is starting to grow back a few eyelashes and eyebrows. We hope they continue to grow. I know this is probably not what you are wanting to hear, but it is the progression we have been through. It is different for different people. Good news is the worst has happened and she is just fine. Her friends have been so supportive. People are always commenting on her confidence. It has became normal for us. If it comes back that will be great, but if it doesn't we will be just fine. I wish you guys the best of luck.

Thanks so much for sharing your story and your good wishes. I guess I wonder if someday my son will lose all his hair. I recently asked him what is the worst thing that could happen (relating to his AA) and he said that he could lose half the hair on his head. I asked him if that would be worse than losing it all and he said that he would rather lose it all. In fact, he may decide that he prefers to have his head shaved at some point. It seems as if some of our extended family is having a harder time accepting his Alopecia than we are. I love your positive outlook - this is obviously why your daughter is doing so well! By the way, your daughter is absolutely beautiful!

Thank you. My daughter felt the same way. For a month she slowly lost her hair. The whole month she kept saying she didn't want to lose all her hair and would really get down every time we combed her hair and handfuls would come out. I really didn't know how we were going to make it if the worst happened. Finally it got to a point where she had such a small amount of hair we shaved the rest. I was really expecting it to be hard for her (it was for me). But after we were through the first thing she did was look at herself in the mirror and say "I think I look kinda cute with no hair." Then asked me to take a picture and put it on Facebook. This was surprising because up to that point she didn't want her picture taken. She didn't like looking at the bald spots. This all happened over the Christmas break, so very few people realized what had happened. The next Monday she walked into Dance with her head held high. I don't think she has complained once about her hair loss since we have shaved. Other than she hates going to the Dermatologist. I am not going to lie and say things are always great. I do secretly get jealous when I see that little girl with the long blonde hair like my daughter had. And she has said a couple of times that she wished this wouldn't have happened to her or how come someone can't figure out a cure. But at this point it isn't consuming our lives like it did when she was first diagnosed. I think she is young enough that she has just adjusted what is normal for her.



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