Wondering if dying my hair will cause more hair loss? I have Alopecia Areata. . Any help/advice would be fantastic :) Thank you

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Whether you dye your hair or not I'm afraid alopecia areata will do what it does. So, if you want to colour your hair go for it.


I dye my hair all the time, I actually just dyed mine last night for like the 50th time in my life. so yea go for it! :D

If you already have problem with hair. Yes it would cause hair loss, BUT its a case to case basis. Regardless, you can go ahead and dye your hair. I suggest to use natural treatment that would help lessen any damage on our hair. I am using jamaican black castor oil for hair growth. It would make our hair thicker and healthier. I use this oil as a support hair care product.

Why not use hair extensions? I thinks clips in hair is easy to use, and safe to hair.



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