My 9 year old has AA. His hair loss occurs one small patch at a time, which increases in size every few days. The area where he is about to lose hair, or has just lost hair is extremely itchy. Is this common, and if so, does anyone have suggestions as to what we can do to ease the itchiness? Thanks!

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Yupp the itchiness is common and one of the most miserable parts of Alopecia. When I was losing my hair I would get this feeling that someone was actually pulling my hair out. So painful.

Any times I have lost hair I feel a sensation in the specific area that is soon to fall out. It is sort of an itch, not painful, more like a tickling like little ants walking on my head. A strange sensation anyway. It always alerts me to what is happening so not a sensation I enjoy feeling obviously! I use tiger balm on my head - it gets rid of that feeling and has an awesome feel of its own :-) Worth a try for your son maybe?

My son describes a very similar sensation to yours.Excuse my ignorance, but wouldn't tiger balm sting? Is there a certain kind especially for itching? In the past we have tried to "moisturize" his bald area, but whenever we put anything on that spot, he complains that the area is very sensitive and would rather not put anything on it.
I feel bad for him; just last night he came up to me almost in tears after scratching an area (he tries really hard not to) and showing we the "tuft" of hair that came out :(.
Thanks for your help - anything is worth a try!

Hi, I don't find rhe tiger balm stings uncomfortable, it is just a tingling sensation - and one that is better than my body's natural feelings when the hair is falling. It also masks the hair falling feelings. If your son tried it on a small patch he could see if he prefers the sensation it gives. It does sound like he is really uncomfortable with a lot of scratching - i have never experienced that. Hope you / he finds some relief.



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