plz, i want good and justified answers, if yes, good, im able to do anything to get my hair back, and if not, hope that i will die in peace
it began since i was 10 years old

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I hope you LIVE in peace first!!! I can't even imagine growing up with AU, I was teased enough with a full head of hair! I am sure you will be met with a plethora of supportive comments about how bald is beautiful and it is for those who choose to "grin and bare it". I choose to wear a wig and if I had AU I would definitely try hair-bonding or a vacuum wig. You may not be able to have your own growing hair back--but maybe you will. I do believe in Miracles (The book A Course in Miracles changed my life--any other students of the course on AW?) The Medical field is always advancing in leaps and bounds so there is always a chance!! You are obviously very depressed. You don't have hair but do you have other things that make life worth living? A beautiful smile, a healthy body, an agile mind, one true friend? HOPE?

I try to keep in mind the Serenity Prayer:

"God Grant me the SERENITY to Accept the Things I cannot Change. The COURAGE to change the things I CAN. And the WISDOM to know the difference." If you are not comfortable praying to God you can just ask this blessing of your "HIgher Self."

p.s. see my blogs to find out what works for me as far as managing my Alopecia!!
thank u thank u thank u i really appreciate that, maybe im depressed yes , i feel it, but in our society they dont cope with it, they dont understand it, im still young i wanna love, i wanna feel free and beautiful
anyway imna see ur blog, thank u again.
girl, you are so much more than your hair...

(i know a lot of people on here say this and it is getting repetitive, but still SO TRUE)

if society isn't "coping" with what society feels is your "problem" / "sickness" / "issue", then it is SOCIETY'S problem, NOT yours.

Once you accept this, you will truly start to feel free, and understand what true freedom is.
My husband once said to me once that "True love is without fear". He was so right. True love is without fear, judgment, expectations, and consequently is without all the hangups that those things bring.

I believe that we are put in this life so that we learn to love (true-ly), most of all to love our SELF. Because you can only receive and appreciate that brave, fearless and complete love from someone else when you see yourself as being worthy of that love. (And in no way am saying that anyone should try and EARN love.)

You, and everyone else on this earth, is deserving of love. Be kind to yourself - you are a beautiful, amazing creature, capable of infinite emotions, laughter, tears, passions... and of endless possibility.
Don't allow your fear to limit you - it is nothing in comparison to what you will accomplish in your life.
Light and love, (and a hug)
I agree with everything Dominque said. Living with peace is important. There many options and yes miracles still happend!! Don't loose hope!!
I wish I could answer "YES" but the reality seems to be "NO"...but with hope, I can confidently answer "NOT YET". With or without hair, I will die in peace (God willing).

I wish that my hair will grow back too, feel like changing some hair styles lately...but if it doesnt grow back...I'm fine with it too because alopecia has always been a blessing to me.

You're not alone. :)

I'm glad my advice helped. I don't want to come across as "preachy" but when I see someone in pain, I try to do what I can to help.

In case you missed what I was refering to in regard to "managing my alopecia" check my discussion "Taboo Topic Alert". I found that when I started going back to having a bit of red wine everyday and smoking marijuana sometimes, it significantly improved my once rapidly deteriorating condition. After abstaining for more than a year and subsequently losing most of my hair. Almost immediately upon resuming what I deem "Virtuous Vices" Most of my fallout ceased and I experienced significant regrowth that continues to improve!!! (I really have been smoking and drinking in moderation because I'm kind of a lightweight these days LOL)

You can see from the varied responses that my sensitive subject evoked that some found no change in their condition from these things, some experience greater relaxation but no regrowth, and some had experiences similar to my own, while others feel that the negatives out weigh the positives for them and therefore either accept their alopecia or stick to more conventional methods of treatment.

Perhaps, just allowing myself to fall into my natural rhythm and not imposing so many strict restrictions on myself is what has allowed me to see some positive changes. I have a new motto, "No needs a Reason--Yes needs a Season."

I think just being on this site will provide a lot of comfort and strength to you. You will find a wide array of opinions, solutions, and ways of coping here. The best part is that everyone is extremely respectful of our differences, after all we are all here for the same reason.
thank u guys im becoming to understand things slowly, and im thinking, i want to live in USA!!
I want my freedom, and i want a good open mind society.
Im gonna try all things and methods to get my hair back, and im gonna tell u if there sth new...
There is actually that kind of medics, i forgot the name in English " immuno suppresseurs'

I would love to see how "Beautiful You Are Without Hair".
Put some pictures up so we can enjoy your Moroccan Beauty!
Different Culture, VALUES & iDEAS....yet you can get through this.
You have come so far...& you are your future isn't threatened.
This have to FiGHT & "KEEP FiGHTiNG"
You are blessed & although it can take years...oneday...if you Persevere long enough, you may have the answers in "YOUR LiFE"
I know that in some cultures they will put shame into words.
I also know...that no matter who...where or what culture everyone has perceptions, judgments, & opinions.
We live throught this every day...from outsiders...friends...& family.
In the USA or Anywhere in the World...ignorance is rampid!
Yes...& the use of these 3 words is always repadative in our life.
There will always be negative, ignorant people who throw their obserd statements to hurt or insult.
It will make you strong...if you give it time.
When, what year, how old were you, and how old are you now? have the Strength & the Power is yours....not theirs.
I am with do not give up.
You are very important in this World..."THiS iS WHY YOU WERE BORN".
So stay connected & we will try to shed some light so you can hold on.
You can live in peace!
Even when all around you, arn't.
So...there is no solution in dying, when you have "YOUR LiFE AHEAD OF YOU"
So you will not die in peace..if you think that's the way out......
Even though we cannot be there by your side...we are here!
This is the best we can do for eachother in the mean time.
Like Michael Jackson Sung................................................. "YOU ARE NOT ALONE"
hi, Mina, i just wanna thank u, and i dont know what to say, now, i have a little bit of strengh to believe in me as a person, not a sick person, but a beautiful girl...
I've the intention to send u my pic without wig, but actually i dont have the courage to post it in this site.
I wanna thank u for all sincere words that uve gave me, and really im touched, to se beautiful people like u, beeing so strong and so nice to me.
thank u thank u, and God Bless u
Yes , we are more than our hair
Hi there,
I had alopecia since I was 8 yrs old, so 2 yrs before u got!!! :) ....but, now I am at peace, after joining this site. :)
I have faith & i know that God knows whats gud for me!!! :)

Look at everyone on this site, they all have what we have"NO HAIR"
So this is the place to POST A PHOTO!
We just want "YOU" to feel better about coping.
You are right, "WE ARE MORE THAN OUR HAIR"



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