Stress doesn't always cause hair loss. For some people yes, but not for me. My period of rapid hair growth came when I was the most stressed, & working in the most difficult job role of my life. I lost too much weight, wasn't eating properly, and was wired every day, but my hair started coming back in, covering the back of my head in a way that it hadn't in years. Its my belief that my immune system was suppressed from the stress, and it didn't have the "energy" to keep suppressing the hair. When I left the stressful job, my regrowth gradually faded away, and the back of my head became 99% bald again. I know that my type of alopecia is driven by autoimmune factors.(Side note: I also have some issues with my nails - putting & cracking & white toenails.) Anyway, just wanted to show that there's no "blanket truth" to alopecia.
That is very interesting. I know they say that stress is not the cause, but in many cases it triggers alopecia. In your case it was different. Very interesting indeed. I am trying to think back if my was stress triggered.
Thanks for your response, Cheryl. As some background, AU is hereditary in my case. I am the 3rd generation that is known to have it. We all initially developed it at different ages, ranging from age 10-18.
I agree. It's different for everyone, especially if you have other issues that may increase your stress simultaneously.
You cannot predict what's going to happen. It's just going with it and see how you do
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