It seems like I've had a hard time finding a job ever since I developed alopecia areata. A lot of people say no that isn't the reason why , but I say it is . When I had a head full of dark dark brown locks i never had a problem getting any job I wanted.  I mean my hair loss has been mostly secluded to my scalp , which I keep blended in by cutting my hair short and I have worn a hat for as long as I can remember. I did have some patchy eyelash loss and a small spot on my right eyebrow which I blend in with dark eye liner or permanent marker.  It's like interviewers notice and assume I have some sort of plague or a sickly disease that is airborne.  I want to tell them that I can't exactly help the way I look.  It's like they think I did this to myself ?? I don't like it any more than anyone else who suffers with it, but it has a mind of its own.  And likes to play mind games with you. For quite a while I had my hairloss tamed with kenalog injections and thought maybe it had ran it's course, but nope, out of the blue I get a small spot on my eyebrow. Sometimes I wonder why this condition has to exist ? It has made finding work extremely difficult.  Atleast I think it has. Any advice?

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