Hi everyone. Just diagnosed this week. I'm freaking out. I'm 39. I have a few vitiligo spots pretty small on back. But two weeks ago I noticed spots on my whiskers bare. And now have many more spots on my face. Visible on face. I itch all over body. Worried it's spreading to entire body. Notice thinning in scalp. Freaking out. Got a steroid cream for face spots. So just curious if I'm gonna lose everything or not?

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No one can say how severe your case will be, though most people do have complete regrowth within several months.  However, many on this site do have complete scalp and/or body hair loss ... this is not common.

Try to find a dermatologist with experience treating Alopecia.

Itching is not a symptom of alopecia. See a dermatologist to make sure you are not fighting something else.



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