Hi everyone,

I was officially diagnosed with AA on Tuesday, June 19th after noticing a large bald spot on the left hand side of my scalp. My AA seems to only be affecting the left side of my body...my left eyebrow is half gone.

The dermatologist gave me some cortisone injections into my scalp, which was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. I have to have these injections done every 4 weeks, as well as apply a cortisone cream to my eyebrow (because they can't do injections in that area) and use another type of ointment all over my scalp in hopes of thickening it all over.

Of course she has told me that the injections work 80% of the time, and that my eyebrow MAY grow back in a few months or a year but that ultimately the only predictable thing about Alopecia is that it is totally UNPREDICTABLE.....great...

Anyways, I found this site and so I'm hoping that maybe by talking to others, I may not feel so helpless in all of this. I am incredibly scared of losing all my hair and very self conscious about my eyebrow...I am praying that the cortisone will work or that I go into "remission" and it never reoccurs. I try not to think about it too much, but it's very difficult.

Thanks for reading.


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Thanks so much

Danielle, we've all been there and done that (talking about the loss of hair). This website has helped me tremendously and you will find you're not all alone. I've found since 2003 that losing my hair wasn't the worst thing that could happen to me. I try to think that it could be because of cancer treatments and I am blessed that is not the reason for my hair loss. I am grateful that there are beautiful wigs out there that no one knows you're wearing one and I am so thankful there are people on this website who just go bald and I so admire that. I'm just not at that point yet and quite frankly, don't know that I will ever be. I pray that the cortisone will work for you and I pray this website will give you comfort.

Thanks, I hope so too xoxo

as a women i know losing all your hair is a devastating thought.. it's been almost 2 years for me now with AU.. in 4 months i went from all hair to none. i am a nurse who every doctor wanted to treat.. and i went there.. but as Richard said below the sooner you give up on the treatments the better.. your hair is going to do what it wants to do.. and guess what... everyone around you will love you just the same.. men will still want to be with you.. girlfriends and family are always there..
it's hard in the beginning.. yet there is so much life to live.. go for it.. remember a lot of people have false teeth, hearing aids, glasses, breast implants, all kinds of "accessories" nobody thinks anything of that.. so maybe your accessory has to be a wig.. mine is and i have several.. i named them.. it's ok.. getting easier.. mail me sometime..

Ha ha, I love that you named them! That's great!

Hi, Danielle,

I have had a 'bald spot' for years, and I've always had 'fine' hair (I didn't think it was 'fine' at all!), but just recently it's gotten a lot worse - possibly menopause had something to do with it. Whatever, my self esteem is evaporating along with my hair loss, so I can certainly relate to your situation.

I did try Minoxidil for a time, but thought it made things worse so gave up on that. Now, I am thinking I should just get a wig, or MAYBE give Minoxidil another chance. Just not sure yet.

Either way, you are definitely not alone. Please email me if you want to at annehoddy@yahoo.ca. I am also planning to attend some of the meetings that I found out about at alopecia world.

Take care,


Hi Anne,

Just started the Minoxidil today, so FINGERS CROSSED!

YES I BELIEVE that Seasonique is the culprit. If you can afford it try not to take them for 30 days or so to see what happens, I'm sure your hair will start to regrow. They don't make things like they used to, the newer low dose BC are strong and they're made different. *THIS IS NOT THE CAUSE OF EVERY WOMANS HAIR LOSS, however when I know something I like to share it. The center of my scalp used to get really hot and tender. Looking back on it I'd rather have a baby than hair loss... Hind sight is always 20/20. lol
Hair loss is a very complicated issue, many factors play a part in it. Please keep me posted.

Ya,but the BC pills help with other things as well...it's all a big mess! I suffered from "clinical depression" for 10 years so the BC pills helped with my moods and stuff. If it's not one thing, it's another right!?

Hi Danielle!

I know it's scary. I was diagnosed in November, after finding two small bald spots on my head. I lost all my scalp hair, leg hair, and arm hair by January, but luckily still kept my eyebrows and eyelashes. I know its scary and that you feel helpless, but you're definitely not alone! I got the injections for awhile, and basically the science behind steroids is that since Alopecia is an autoimmune disease, the steroids act as an immune suppressant, so they stop your immune system from fully functioning, allowing your immune system to stop attacking your hair. The problem with the injections is that while the hair will grow back slightly (mine did within a week after the injections) it will likely fall out again as soon as you stop the steroids and your immune system regains function. I currently wear a wig, and if you only have a small spot, i'd reccomend getting some hair extensions/cover ups to make your hair look fuller, and you can even find eyebrow prosthesis that stay on for a year and are real eyebrow hair! Do whatever you need to feel beautiful - which i'm positive you are no matter what! My advice for the healing process is just get healthy! Take vitamins, try to reduce stress in your life, and have fun! I started taking lots of vitamins for healthy immune systems, and I currently have a bunch of peach fuzz and short hairs everywhere! I know it's difficult, but you'll get through it no matter what. Just love yourself no matter how much hair you have!

Well so far it's just the one spot...and I notice hair falling out more each day, but I am just going to try everything I can to keep my hair! I cry every night at the thought of having to deal with this right now...but I'm sure I'll accept things slowly



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