There are many people who are reluctant to report abuse incidents.
I recently read an article. After reading it, I felt the need to discuss it here.
There are many girls who have an active sexual life. And in many cases, they are the one’s who get exploited the most. And if they are exploited, they never reveal it or go to the court for the fear of being ridiculed in the court. Girls should not be afraid of being mocked publicly. I don’t know about other countries, but here in Canada, we have something called the rape shield law, to prevent the defendant from using a girl’s sexual history to attack our credibility.
You can read more about this law here in this article, http://www.defencegroup.ca/blog/in-the-news/what-is-a-rape-shield-law/. You will be able to get the shield in most of the cases. Only if you come out of fear and report abuses, the real culprits will be brought under the law. I am sharing this here because I believe that all deserve to get justice and live a happy life.