This is so strange. My son, age five, was dx with Alopecia yesterday. We noticed his bald spot (more than a dollar coin size) last week or so. He seemed to get it in just a few days.

A few weeks prior, I went to the endocrinologist due to a lot of hair loss toward the front. The endocrine stated that it is likely due to androgen issues due to some other symptoms even though my Testosterone levels checked out as average. Today I noticed that I have an area that is really thin - almost bald but not to the extent of my sons - just really thin. My hair has been thin for about 8 years not but there is hardly anything there now. There is a chance I had it before before and am just noticing it now more than ever due to my son. I was given Sparlactone (sp?) androgen blocker and just had more blood work today. I am starting that androgene med tonight. If it doesn't work, I will be prescribed that "Rogaine" pill.

If I start to get some patches, I wonder if there is something in our environment that is causing this. How can the hair loss happen to me just a few weeks prior to my son getting his patch and then me getting it even more? It is just strange.

Thank you

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My daughter was diagnosed with AA 3 months ago. Very Stressfull!!. Yesterday, she said I had a bald spot on the back of my head. I got a mirror and sure enough the hair was very thin in that area. I've been losing more hair she has lately but I'm pretty sure its stress related. I would take her AA in a heart beat but it seems we will both be losing at least some hair.


Possibly something in your environment could be triggering your hairloss but I am a little doubtful. From my investigations into what causes AA (nobody really knows), but it is thought of quite widely now, as a Auto immune condition. Either you have it or you don't. There is a genetic link with this condition as well and sometimes it is more prevalent in certain families. Maybe this is the case for you and your son.

There is lots of good information here. Do a search using keywords and see what comes up.

If I can be of any help just pop into my page and leave a message.




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