What do you ladies with larger than average size heads do when you're wig shopping? It's so frustrating. There are about 20 large cap size wigs and 99% of them are the same super short curly hair cut that my grandmother favors. Not my style! I'm only 25, I don't want to have the same hairstyle as my grandmother. My bio hair is a long angled bob with side swept bangs. I'm also getting married in 7 months and I'll need a wig for my wedding, something romantic and medium length either with curls or that I can do pretty braids and a half up-do with.

Do you order custom wigs? How much do they cost? Where are you getting them?

Do you have a standard wig modified/enlarged? I've read about stretching it while wet over a Styrofoam head and adding more elastic to the band (scares me a bit!).

Do you just deal with either the awful selection or a poorly fitting, tight wig?

Are there any brands that have an average size that's a little bigger than most other wig makers?

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Hi there: I went through the same thing - the wigs made for large heads are usually those poufy 50's look. I finally went for a custom wig - one where they take a mold of your head and then have it made specifically for you. It was the best thing I ever did. I was wasting money experimenting with mail order wigs that looked like they would do but ended up being uncomfortable. Finally I looked into one particular supplier, Maria, who was very very nice and understanding and had lots of experience in this area. http://www.mariajaggard.com/ I really wish I had done it sooner, but it took awhile for me to admit that the hair wasn't coming back. Then it took awhile to admit that I hated regular wigs. Then it took awhile to be willing to pay the extra that these wigs cost. But in the end - sooo worth it. She is in Vancouver but I think she does things through the mail. I recommend her highly.

I feel for you. I have a petite head. Look at petite wigs. They are for really elderly people, or elderly minded anyway. I am not "young" but I feel young, and would feel it more so if I had decent hair. I have petite features. I have to look at kid's glasses when I buy frames. Or the smallest adult frame I can find. Wigs overpower me. I look like a troll in a long hair wig that isn't thinned to the max.



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