EDITED DISCUSSION (yeast overgrowth-candida Gluten-free is NOT the issue---Thanks.

Has anyone had success or heard of any success with regrowth of hair treating leaky gut and yeast overgrowth which is CANDIDA? This means eliminating sugars, even fruit for awhile, and eating fermented foods like kefir and taking apple cider vinegar to restore probiotics and help immune balance? Has going to a naturopath who specializes in autoimmune conditions been valuable for anyone?

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Well, I've just started a gluten free diet even though I had no other symptoms but hair loss. I'll post big time about it if it works! LOL!

I also started thyroid medication, so that might help. Don't know.

I'd love to hear what your naturopath says!!
I agree with you and suggest people follow(if possible-I like sugar&bread,worst culprits) for immune health but sadly we go thru this search that may not effect hair growth. Take care,Joan
I was a whiner when I first started the gluten free diet. I was going to miss my favorite foods and I think deep down I resisted and secretly wanted to fail. But I got use to the diet pretty quickly. I really don't miss many of the foods that contain gluten ,and now there are a lot more restaurants with gluten free menus in my city. Initially on the diet I did gain weight, but I definitely feel better and I have more energy now.

The gluten free diet may work for you. There are people on Alopecia World that stated while on a gluten free diet saw regrowth. And there are people who have been gluten free for a number of years and have seen no regrowth. The only thing you can do is try it. I will say from the studies I have seen that on the average people (when the "strict" or "severe" gluten free diet worked for them) saw regrowth within 6months to a year and sooner in a rare case.
I started my teenage daughter on a gluten free diet 3 or 4 months ago and she is fine with it. It's not as bad as it sounds. There are more and more grocery stores that are now starting to carry gluten free products. I also started on the diet with her and now I don't eat bread except when we make it. She also started taking Sulfasalazine twice a day, faithfully. She had lost 75% of her hair and now the spots have stopped and her is all regrowing. Someone told me when we started doing both of these to make sure and give it at least four months and I'm so glad she has stuck to it because so far it has diffently worked for her.
Hi De,

I remember reading sulfasalzine is used as an anti-inflammatory for the surface of the intestines or used for inflammatory bowel disease. Gluten or that glutenaide protein causes inflammation of the intestines with people who are sensitive to the gluten or are celieac. Just wondering if your doctor suspects that your daughter is celieac?
Hi Tony,

She has never been tested for celieac but she was having some stomach disorders before she started loosing her hair. I'm assuming it's all related.
I went to a homeopathic physician and after a series of blood work, I am off gluten, sugar, mold (vinegar, aged cheeses, mushrooms, potato skins, etc.) and have a hepa filter in my bedroom. Also, he has me off oranges and tomatoes. My only "symptom" is extensive hair loss over the past 4 months. He feels these changes will help strengthen my auto-immune system. It's an easy change for me as my children are also eating gluten and sugar free so there is nothing in our home that I should not be eating.

Not sure if the "diet" is helping, as I am doing lots of other things, but I DO have re-growth. I am also leaner without weight gain or loss and I am eating far greater amounts of food than I ever did. Even if my hair grows back fully, will I ever know why?
HI Lily,

It sounds like Stephanie's doctor is having her take as little food that produces histamines as possible. bread, oranges and tomatoes are histamine-producing. Milk is, too. Does your doctor have you off milk, Stephanie?

Try gaps diet
I've been drinking a fermented tea daily called Kombucha tea (I like the GT brand). Kombucha is supposed to be good for a whole host of health benefits (including hair growth) and is a great source of probiotics. I'll keep you posted on any regrowth.



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