Learning to live with alopecia step by step, and having a breakthrough.

I am a lot more comfortable about my alopecia now, I accept it as part of me and other people seem to as well. My mum sent me a great text, saying that when she looks at photos of me with hair it seems weird! I find it hard to recognise myself with hair now too. As a joke, my friend drew some eyebrows on me.... I looked very very strange. Stay strong people; remember that when you accept and embrace who you are, others will too. It may not happen overnight but keep at it. And when you meet that insensitive a-hole that says something mean, remember that is a reflection of their insecurities about who they are - its nothing to do with you!

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Amen to that! Hey...go Google Celebs Without Eyebrows. Some very famous folk actually look better WITHOUT their eyebrows!



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