Hello everyone! This is my first post on this site so I hope I'm doing this right. I was diagnosed with AA about a month and a half ago and I'm currently getting off medication that didn't seem to work in order to start DPCP treatment. DPCP I heard irritates your scalp (in order to get my cells to stop attacking my hair roots) and with that I would like to know where I can get a sport wig for dancing. I do a sport called YOSAKOI which is a traditional dance in Japan and we tend to move alot as well as perform in the humid weather during summers. I'm not sure how much longer the hair falling out will last (as of now it's still falling out a lot) and bald spots are proceeding so any advice or suggestions on sport wigs would be helpful! Thank you!!

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I'm wondering if anything on your head would be advisable while doing the DPCP treatment.  I understand that this can be quite an uncomfortable treatment and you may not want anything on your head while doing that.

I'm afraid all wigs no matter what the blurb is are hotter than no hair or your own growing hair....I'm afraid that is a stark reality with wigs.  Some wigs have a lot more features and benefits, but it really depends on what you are feeling will help you the most.

I personally like Freedom Wigs as my daughter has worn them since she was 12 (she is now 23) and I help people with this type of wig in New Zealand. A Freedom Wig is a Vacuum Prosthesis which gives you security without glues, tape or clips.  You are able to play sport, swim etc. in a Freedom Wig so this may be something you might like to investigate.  

Read through the many posts here about wigs and the choices people make.  Some really like their synthetic wigs and all the wigs inbetween.  Really work out your own needs as to what you want a wig to achieve for you then find a wig that fits those needs as best as possible.  

Good luck with everything. 


Thank you for your resPonse! The doctor said the clip on wig I have now would be okay during DPCP so I was hoping to find one that I can dance with that's like the one I have now. But now that you point that out I will further ask her more questions just to be safe!



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