Hello all,

Our son was recently diagnosed with Ophiasis Alopecia. He is 11, will be 12 in a couple of weeks. I was wondering if there are any other parents whose children 11-13 would like to become an email penpal with him? This way they can discuss things with each other that they may not be comfortable with others about. Our son like hunting and fishing, archery and baseball! He loves all outdoor activities. I'm looking to maybe have someone with some similar interests that has alopecia as well. Please let me know if this is something you and your child would be interested in!

Thank you, and Happy Holidays!

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Hi Laura,

I spoke with one of my friends who would be interested in speaking with your son. He's 21 and in college but is definitely someone that I really look up to. He is involved with baseball and would love to help your son and chat with him about what is going on. Send me an email Jparker1178@yahoo.com and I will send you my friends contact info (email) , I think he would be a good fit. Thanks, happy holidays to you as well. 


Hi Jason,

Thank you so much for the offer, but I am really looking for someone 11-13 or so for him to talk to. I don't want to sound unappreciative, just looking for someone close to his age! Thank you so  much for the offer though, I may take you up on it at a later date!


Totally understand, good luck :) 

thank you! I did find a lady on Facebook whose son is the same age, so we are going to connect them!

Hello Laura

Your son's alopecia is one of the cicatrical alopecias and the CARF organisation may well have contacts with children your sons age that he can contact and have as online penpals.  You will also find support groups and info on treatment options etc.. on their website for him.

Carf is based in the USA.  Cicatrical Alopecia Research Foundation


Merry Christmas to you and your family.  Deb xx




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