I used to have alopecia areata, but in the last year, it's turned universalis. I've lost all the hair on my head, eyebrows, arm/leg hair, etc. For the time being, I still have eye lashes.
I know this gets a little personal....
My doctor once asked if I had lost pubic hair. When I told her no, she said pubic hair (armpit and nether region hair) is on a different operating system and is rarely affected. I've been noticing lately that stuff is looking patchy.
Has anyone else experienced this?
I have been interested in one question for a very long time of what is the difference between electroepilation and laser hair removal? Which of these procedures can be used to remove leg hair permanently? I was just thinking of getting laser hair removal on my legs in qualified surgical services, but somewhere I heard that after such hair removal, the hair on the legs grows again, approximately in five years. But with the help of electroepilation, you can get rid of leg hair forever. Is it true?
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