Appears yes:

FDA-approved naltrexone, in a low dose, can normalize the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous ...

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We started LDN one week ago.  I am happy to keep anyone who may be interested updated on our results. The pharm said could take many months but it holds promise and is indeed effective with a great variety of autoimmunity.  I used McGuff's in Santa Ana, CA.  They are one of only five listed on as reputable and capable of compounding.  It took them 9 days to compound for us.  I hope it is helpful as an option to explore.

Here is another abstract I have saved:

There is growing recognition in the scientific community that autoimmune diseases result from immunodeficiency, which disturbs the ability of the immune system to distinguish "self" from "non-self". The normalization of the immune system induced by LDN makes it an obvious candidate for a treatment plan in such diseases.

The experience of people who have autoimmune diseases and who have begun LDN treatment has been remarkable. Patients with diagnoses such as systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet's syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis, bullous pemphigoid, psoriasis, and Crohn's disease have all benefited.

Because LDN clearly halts progression in multiple sclerosis, its use has been more recently extended to other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) whose etiology remains unknown but for which there is suggestive evidence of a possible autoimmune mechanism.

In addition, people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have had marked improvement using LDN, suggesting that these entities probably have an important autoimmune dynamic as well.

Pterese I think you will like reading this article I found on other ways to increase T-reg cells. This could be good stuff to consider in addition to taking LDN.

This was very informative.  We have been doing probiotics, Omega and DHA, Vitamin D, Zinc, biotin, and blue/green algae.  I know it sounds crazy and like too much, but I feel these serve the best funcion for liver support.  

We have tested for: candida, heavy metals, fungal infections, parasites, vitamin counts, thyroid, and C Reactive protein.  We also did extensive food allergy testing.

The only thing that was significant was the  C Reactive protein at a 12.4 which makes me very nervous. Normal is 0.0 to 4.0.  It means she is quite inflammed, REGARDLESS of the anti-inflammatory (very organic and green diet).  I have been reading chronic inflammation leads to all sorts of problems: stroke,cancer, heart disease, etc...  LDN does seem to calm inflammation.  It is simply too early to tell for us, but I am going to watch all very carefully, no doubt.  

Thank you for good article.  One can never be too informed when it comes to health, and in so many cases, advocating for ourselves when dr. don't seem to be.

Wondering if any of the natural treatments you were doing have had any good effects?

Cheap Naltrexone without a prescription - http://о I received the оrder and it was on time and the pills work great.


Have you had any luck with LDN for alopecia treatment for your daughter? 

My daughter is 11, suffering for a second year, nothing worked so far, have tried all kinds of supplements, injections (never again), steroid creams, etc. currently on gluten free diet, too early to tell. Have been reading about LDN for myself (fibromyalgia) and found that it helps with AA. 

Please if you could find some time and let me know if it worked for your daughter as your post were more that 4 years ago. 

thank you


I certainly will.  I hope very much that there will be good news to report down the road.  

The side efects are sleep disturbances and vivid dreams for the first week or so.  There are no other side effects and it is non toxic and non addictive, something that drew me to LDN in the first place.  My daughter took dosage number five last night.  She has not reported any issues with sleep.

We are starting at .05 the first week and working our way up to eventual 2.0 mg.  Adults usually take 4.5 mg. Children do .01 mg per kilogram of body weight.  She is seven years old.  

Remember, it is LOW dose Naltrexone.  Naltrexone in original form is something else entirely. You will need a compounding pharmacy to prepare its low dosage.  

And i read very important no buy retard absorbition but it must be made whit immediatly absorbition is it so?

Yes. No slow release. Take right at bed time. Endorphins are blocked a few hours after dosage. The product is quickly eliminated in the morning. Then the body compensates by overproduction. The abundance of endorphins then begins to balance immunity. Please let me know if you begin treatment.

It appears a very good immunoMODULATOR what all here are looking for example,  i'm very afraid to use a immusopressor like Xeljanz i bought i have but at the moment never used cause i 'm afraid about the sides effect's a droug do not allow in Europe cause the strong side effect ...and now i'm also seeing a lot of relapse so it is not a definitive cure ...the way for me is immunomodulador(so to no have sides effect and relapse) or che China cure...the problem whit ldn is meet a doctor who prescribe you and a good pharmacy, i read the best are all in Usa, is very important the pharmacy had a good experience in make it and i'm not in Usa :-(...i also read it is very good for cancer and other immune disaster is very strange noone company sell it ...really i think the medicine companies only want we become cronic patientes so to win and win money they do not meet a cure ...

I see you are in Domincan. There is a clinic in Florida that will write prescription. It's an integrative clinic you could visit. The pharmacy then ships the product. Look at LDN.ORG for recommend pharmacy. There are five in USA who will ship. I will look up the name of the clinic I found in Florida. They understand the benefits of LDN.



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