Appears yes:

FDA-approved naltrexone, in a low dose, can normalize the immune system — helping those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and central nervous ...

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Thank you for your i'm whit mesalazina(i had a  stress-medicinal colitis, fortunatly now all good) so for now the only medicine i can use is minoxidil a time i finish mesalazina i think i'm also thinking to use vitamin d ...i read wonderful thing about it, and some use also use togheter whit ldn 

Hi pterese,I have read every article I can find on Google and I must say it looks very promising indeed,I found it very interesting the fact that it is a very affordable drug which as we all know the big pharmaceuticals are not interested because there is no profits in it,went to my Dr. 3 days ago and he did not refuse to prescribe it but wanted a little time to study it will keep you informed.
Please do. We are still ramping up to full dosage. We paid about 50.00 for a month. Certainly worth experiment with no side effects. There is a woman on this site who also tried with success a bit ago.
I recall searching LDN a bit ago and reading her thread.

I am so happy and thrilled for you!  Would be so great to share progress.  :-))

Aimee see here...i know it's in italian but see the difference in pictures a patiente whit morb after 4 weeks of ldn it's almost totally normal

Or saw that ldn help for the alopecia areata? To look at a person uses him and it is not the enjoyment, this medicine exists since 1987 we would know him if it would work

LDN does sound promising and low risk. Kind of an immune booster from what I gather.

 I am leery of immune system suppressors. I wouldn't think you could be on them long term. 

Yea, so I found an interesting video on LDN and AU on youtube and thought I should share it.

It's about some woman's experience with Alopecia and using LDN

I listened to this as well. Always great to hear success stories.
Hi,seen my GP last week and asked about prescription,got a letter from him this morning and he refused to give me one,claimed there wasn't any data saying it was beneficial for alopecia,don't know where to go from here as I really want to try this.

Some doctors are stranges.i read a lot of datas about it work in alopecia areata .



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