Men's Health revealed 60% of men preferred more hair to money, friends.

(Haha' my discussion title might be off, since the survey said 1400 people not 1400 men, then I think female pattern baldness is not as common as in men, and also that female would usually prefer more cash to would be more informative if results showed the contrast between male and female respondents)

Hello everyone,

I was reading an online article from Men's Health that revealed about 60% of the 1400 respondants in a survey prefer more hair over money. I do not know other options avaible or details on the survey. But the preference of hair over money (26%) and even friends (14%) implies that there were only three options since 60% + 26% + 14% = 100%, is a little more disturbing to me (since I have alopecia universalis) than it should probably be.

It reveals how the society by large still glorifies the importance of hair in physical look more than it should be, it sort of implied that I have to have hair to look good ( I probably say this because I have alopecia areata and I have not options to any cure yet).

I am interested to find out what women (probably 1400 women) would prefer more for their guys, more hair, more money, or more friends? ( I personally think more friends would be out especially more and it will be down to more hair or more money.

On the other hand which is more dissappointing but not surprised that money is more important than friendship. ( Yet the critics can say that I said that because I am bald and have little money).

It doesn't matter if I am right or wrong in my opinion. This is a wake up call to me that alopecia awareness is by far still needed (or am I just jealous that I dont hair to "boast" around?)

Just as much as I am still a person who wants to look good, I am bit depressed over the finding of the survey in addition to how Men's Health interpreted it. But the last two paragraphs of the online article brought some comfort and restore some confidence in me.

Just want to see what other thinks of the findings as alopecians.


Here is the article as follow.

"In a worst-case scenario, which would you rather be: bald or broke? According to a new poll, looks are more important than wealth.

In a survey, 1,400 people were asked whether they would want to have more hair, more money, or more friends. Sixty percent chose more hair, while 26 percent said they wanted the cash, and 14 percent selected friends.

The catch: The survey was conducted by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery.

Maybe the people surveyed realized that in this economy, more money isn't likely to happen. But new advances in hair restoration can help reverse your losses and give you more hair.

Hair cloning may sound odd, but it's the next step in treatment. But if you don't want to spend all that cash on a technique that's still being studied, try one of these proven solutions. And before you decide on anything, check out what the experts have to say about what works—and what doesn't.

If you'd rather embrace your balding pate, the right cut can hide your thinning hair—or maybe take the plunge and go Bruce Willis. All it takes is the right attitude (and an attractively shaped head) to pull it off.

No matter how much (or little) hair you have, keep it looking great with these style tips and by eating these foods. And be sure to test your hair know-how with this fun quiz."

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That's sad. There's an old saying "A good friend will come bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying...'Man, that was fun!". I trade all my hair for a friend like that any day of the week..and money, well, like they say, money doesn't buy happiness.
I agree with Tony, a good friend is worth a lot more to me then getting my hair back. A good friend has your back, hair does not. Unless it's back hair.
Thats real sad!



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