hi, my names tiaira im 16 and im a 10th grader in high school. i've recently found out that i have alopecia a few days ago and i don't even know where to go from here? everyone tells me it will be okay but i don't see it that way no one really understands? at school people look at me very different and treat me as if im dying or something, i've never had to face anything like this in my life. Any advice would be great!

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hey Tiaira my name is bre and i am 17 and in high school and i have alopecia. yes havin alopecia sets you apart from the other kids but to me i look as it as being famous.. you will start to just feel unique instead of different. the first week it will be hard but people will soon just over look it as long as you will not change your friends shouldnt change. oh and a heads up little kids will look at you odd and old people but i just smile at them and keep gon on with my day with a smile on my face. lol i tell the little kids if they dont eat there food they will end up looking like me lol and old people well they are kinda like flies you just cant get them, to stop botherin you:)


Hi Tiaira,

So sorry to hear you feel so sad at the moment. I totally get it, I was 17 when I was first diagnosed with Alopecia, whilst I was studying beauty of all things, and I felt like my world was ending! I'm 24 now and it's all good, in fact I have become a far stronger person as a result :-)

I'm not really sure on the practise in the US being from the UK myself, but I began by visiting a specialist Dr who prescribed me a course of steroid injections in my head. These worked for me and my hair grew back on the patches missing. This time around I have let nature take it's course, and my hair has grown back again by it's self. It's pretty short and wispy though so I still wear wigs.

Sending you lots of strength at this time, I found the best way to handle people at college was to be open about it and answer lots of questions to help them understand too. People were really supportive once they understood.

Nikki x

God will take care of you

hello Ms. Tiaira.. r u still apart of this website..

thanks for being open to writing your true feeling.. i applaud you for taking that first step. this is truly how u become free.. i have alopecia universalis (no hair on my entire body). it started at a tender age of 13, during my jr high school yrs.. kids r cruel.. i do agree.. just try not to hold that against them.. i had my scarf pulled off in the hallways of the school.. i've been humiliated by my high school peers.. i remember crying coming home several days.. but know this.. when i graduated, a lot of the kids who were cruel in the past... were those who looked and salivated in the future.. the boys who became men wanted to go out with me when i grew up.. i didn't give them the tym of day though..
one piece i'd like to leave with you.. just know u are beautiful and loved first by God then by ur family. Screw how everyone else feels about how you look. do the best you can to cover up (ie. makeup and extensions/wigs are in now).. get you a nice full lace one.. ppl can't tell the difference.. check out my pic on my page and my video on my page... write back...

yes I am still apart of this website and i have took makeup and all that into account but what i have came to relize is so what i dont care what anybody else thinks im just rocking the hair i have left and after that ends up leaving then ill just be me im going to be the same person just with no hair lol

Hey Tiaira, both my sister and I were diagnosed with Alopecia universalis at an early stage of our childhood, so I can relate. I lost my hair over the summer, left with a full head, came back with nothin'. I was a little scared at first, and asked my teachers for permission to wear a baseball cap during class. Over the first couple of weeks, I got so tired of answering questions, I said forget the hat and did my sweet new hairdo as my show and tell, and when my sister grew to be around the same age I encouraged her to do the same. I wrote a speech about Alopecia in the 6th grade, I even did my grade 12 Biology project on it! There are many obstacles in this life that are just waiting to be overcome. Whether you wear a wig or not, you just gotta be you, and I am confident that you are pretty darn fabulous.

Wow thankx alot....:)

Hello honey My name is Shaynae Clark I am a student from Western Michigan Univeristy. I just started an organization dedicated to women or young ladies that experience hair loss! It's a support group along with pampering services. It is designed to uplift spirits I hand make wigs myself and give them away! We also provide free cosmetic services manicures and pedicures at a private spa! I would love for you tO join us! You have always been beautiful and nothing will ever change that! Visit my page and my discusses to find out more about this organization! I really think you would like it! Contact me anytime! 7345028825 stay encouraged beautiful!

Wow!....I would love to join you all because at the moment my family is not in the best finacial situation so i cant really afford a really nice looking wig....i just cut one side off and left the other side how it is and its enough hair right now to cover the patch

contact me NOW Tiaira 7345028825! I will make you a wig for free honey visit my page to look at ones i had made in the pass i make plenty more !

Okay i will as soon as i get off work today!



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