hi, my names tiaira im 16 and im a 10th grader in high school. i've recently found out that i have alopecia a few days ago and i don't even know where to go from here? everyone tells me it will be okay but i don't see it that way no one really understands? at school people look at me very different and treat me as if im dying or something, i've never had to face anything like this in my life. Any advice would be great!

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I starting loosing my hair when I was 13. Of course high school sucked. Honestly.. there is nothing I can say that will make it less embarrassing and less hurtful when stupid people make fun of you. It hurts, it sucks, and it's not fair! Everybody and I mean EVERYBODY has something medically wrong with them. some peoples are just more noticeable than others. It got a little better in college. I am 27 now and I still get people's stupid remarks and little kids are the worst.

I tried to hide my baldness for as long as I could. I wore bangs, tried desperately to stay out of wind, but the best I have every looked was when I broke down and bought a wig. I looked almost normal and most people cannot tell. I felt normal. The only thing that gives me away is I still draw on my eyebrows. That gets more comments and stares than anything else. I tried the fake eyelashes but I HATE them. I hate the glue, I hate how the never stay up. I just quite fooling with them.


I lost a good amount of hair when I was in my early 20's and did decide to shave it, it was an adjustment but I was a lot more comfortable not worrying that a spot was showing or that I should wear a wig. Now pretty much all my hair is gone and I go bald all the time, people will never really understand but they feed off you attitude. If you own that shit they respect you for your strength and in the end no one can imagine me with hair they all think I'd be different and they like me the way I am.

gurl dat makes alot of sense thankx alot

Hi, my name is Linda and I'm 39.I was diagnosed on Jan 4th 2012.There are many good and supportive people here.But first you need to scream, cry, get angry and then let yourself get over this. Then you can look to family and friends for more support. Oh yeah, don't fogetvto laugh at yourself.I mean it. My family said that they were going to paint my head like an Easter egg for Easter, even for Halloween. My husband held my hand and we went outside, with nothing on my head. I currantly have 2 spots gone now. Yes I feel and see people looking at me. But I don't care any more. I'm still me and my family and friends still love me. Why don't you speak with your principle, to set up an assembly and show them that you are still you. Maybe they don't understand alopecia areata, show them and if they are still being stubbern. Then that's their lost. You can and I'm sure you will overcome this and you will be a better person for it.Oh, gather as much information on this. It will help.Linda

Wow thats amazing but i think im at a point in my life where its like i dont even care what others think im tiaira and at the end of the day thats all i am i cant help if other may not like or want ro talk to me because of this i mean im actually getting a little more happier with myself these days so thats a plus i guess:}

hi sweetheart how are you feling? i first got the alopecia when i was your age... i have tons and tons of tricks up my sleeve... message me for whatever you need. you are NOT alone and all of us here will give you support. Pray Pray Pray God always listens.

Im as good as can be expected lol!.....i know im not alone but i feel like it sometimes and im sually a stright a student and every since i found out i had this and have been like stressed my geades are like b's and c's is crazy hopefully things get a little better but ni try to just think positive and have a good laugh now and then....i would love to hear some of these tricks!

Hey, sometimes the studies come first. You can always put off the alopecia stress and do like Scarlett ("I'll think about that tomorrow!") while you prepare yourself for scholarships and career! You DO have a future awaiting, y'know...and sometimes a woman has to make her own income! Even Scarlett put aside the flirting and learned to use her hands to save Tara!

You say you never had to face anything like this in your entire life. Your only 16. You still have your whole life ahead of you. And in the big picture of life......this is not a mountain but more like a molehill.
Just communicate and educate your peers on alopecia.

This breaks my heart to read this. I too began loosing my hair in high school. I ended up having to go on homebound because it was so drastic so quick. I cant even imagine going through all that again. I am now 25 and have been wearing a wig ever since. I am at a MUCH happier place and at a a sense of ease with it all but also some days are better than others. My advice to you is to full heartedly believe that you are beautiful for who you are from the inside out. You must surround yourself with a good support system to get you through this. This I promise with time will shape you become as a woman and I promise it will get better. In the meantime, all of us on alopecia world are here for you.

Thankzx for the words of encouragement!



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