I'm thinking of getting extensions out into my freedom wig, has anyone ever done this? Would anyone know if it's a good idea? Looking forward to hearing from you all :)

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Hi Sarah

Even though you can do this if it is your want I think it is important that you are aware that putting extra stress and stain on the hair in your Freedom Wig may cause mechanical damage and very much shorten the lifetime of your Freedom wig. Extension put extra strain on growing hair, so on a wig it could be a recipe for disaster.

I know that Anna Fitzpatrick put extensions into one of her Freedom Wigs a few years ago. You may like to talk with her as she will be able to tell you if it achieved the results that she was looking for.


Hey rose Marie, that's what I though but I just wanted to clarify :p thanks very much for getting back to me :) cxx



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