Hello everyone!

I'm not sure what to say exactly but I've been suffering with hair loss for the past six years now. My hair stopped falling out but I barely have any hair left and I had to cut it into a pixie cut. It's nice but you can see a lot of the bald patches (the biggest one is on the crown of my head and it's the size a baseball).

I've been to several doctors in Kuwait and the U.S and no one seems to know what's wrong with me. They've done tests of every kind and they don't know what kind of illness I have. I'm not even sure if I have alopecia or not. 

I've tried every solution. Rubbing aloe vera, rubbing garlic, oils, etc. And none of them worked! In 2013 I tried PRP therapy and during the first session (they were 3) I didn't feel anything. I even asked the doctor if she's injecting my head and she was concerned because people at this point were crying. Not me. I didn't feel anything, even after wards. I only felt the pain during the third session but it was very, very brief.

I don't think I can do hair transplant because I have General Anxiety Disorder and the stress might cause the transplant to fail. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Maybe the stress is the cause of your hair loss?" No, it isn't. I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder and Depression in 2014, two years after my hair fell out. And like I said, my hair stopped falling out.

Right now, I'm using Minoxidil (5% Rogaine foam at night) and I've been using it since May 28th inconsistently. For example and I'd put it on Monday then miss Tuesday and Wednesday and put it on my hair on Thursday. Or I'd use it for the whole week and then I don't use it on the weekend.

I know that it takes about 4-6 months till I can see any difference/improvement and I am planning on seeing a dermatologist in August so he can tell me if Rogaine is actually working or not.

I know that this is a long post but I'm really desperate. I just want to have my hair back but I've given up all hope. The only reason I'm using Rogaine is because I'm taking summer classes and there aren't many people in town so I don't have to worry about covering the bald spots and growing my hair out.

So, my question to you all, does Rogaine really work? Is there an actual difference or am I just wasting my time? 

Thank you!

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