Ladies, I have to share with you what I just found out. Last month I had my IUD, Mirena, removed after having it for three years. I lost my hair last year, Nov. '07. Although I went to many doctors to try and find the reason that I was losing my hair not one mentioned the IUD side effects of hair loss. Well, as crazy as it sounds after just one month I have regrowth for the first time since this happened. So, it got me thinking, could my alopecia been caused by Mirena? Thanks to Google I found so many websites that helped me answer that question. So many women have lost their hair because of this birth contol. I know for many of you this info won't be of any use to you, but please remember my story and you might just save one woman from remaining bald for no reason! And by the way, hair loss is only one of the many awful side effects from this drug; Mirena should be researched by anyone considering it as birth control. I will keep posting to let all know if my hair is really going to come back now! Peace peeps!

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Hi Erin, thank you for sharing your experience. Just to add on that Mirena will also cause the following side effects:

• Change in menses (IE. Prolonged, frequent or heavy bleeding, spotting, irregular periods, painful periods, or no period at all)
• Weight gain
• Headache or migraine
• Moodiness
• Depression
• Nervousness
• Back pain
• Breast pain
• Vaginal discharge
• Acne
• Hair growth
• Inflamed cervix
• Loss of libido
• Abdominal bloating

Looking forward your next post. :)
My baby was born with congenital alopecia areata after having IUD for two years.

Really?  How about other hormonal birth control methods?   Any other trends?

Hi Erin! Thanks for you research! I found your post after I googled "alopecia caused by Mirena!" I just found a bald spot on the back of my head today and to be honest, it’s freaking me out! I have no idea how long it’s been bare, I never noticed any clumps of hair coming out, or have had scalp problems. I even had my hair cut a few days ago and the stylist didn’t say anything about it (but who’s to say she saw it and just didn’t talk?)! My question for you is, did your hair-loss start with just a small spot or patch?

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for posting your personal experience with Mirena. I've been using the IUD for almost two years now with no "common side effects" until now. I'm still not sure if the IUD is the cause. But after viewing yours and Darren's research, I found the FDA's info on Mirena and I’ve made up my mind to finally talk to my Dermatologist and Gyno and get more answers. I've also been struggling with acne since high school but chalked it up to being genetic (dad's got it bad still and he’s almost 50). But come to find out the IUD could probably be helping it along! Not to mention the fun weight gain!

Thanks again for your post- if I hadn’t of found it, I probably wouldn’t have made up my mind to see my doc; and who knows what might happen if I don’t!


FYI: I also read on the FDA site that if a woman using the IUD experiences more then 6 weeks with out a period she should talk to the doc. The information never stated if this was a bad thing, but was listed under the common side effects.
I saw a new doc last month and he didn’t show any concern about not having a period... now I'm kinda wondering if I should be happy about the monthly visit!
Again thanks!

FDA link:">
Hello Colleen, I am so happy you found my post. Before I had Mirena removed and noticed my hair starting to regrow I had no idea hair loss could be a side effect of Mirena. I noticed a bald spot on the back of my head, about the size of a quarter, November of '07. I had a hair cut and asked the lady what she thought, she said she would see a derm. I made the appointment but had to shave my head before the visit.

The bottom line, in my opinion, is that every woman being offered Mirena should be aware of every possible side effect. If my doctor had been told, and could have warned me, that there was a less than 5% chance of hair loss... I would not have gotten Mirena. So, I hope many more women will read this and just pass the info along to other women they know.

I am 28 years old, I started taking the bc pill at 15. So for the past 13 years I have been on some form of hormones from a pill, pregnancy, then iud. I honesetly do not know who or what my actual hormones are or do or how they feel. So I made the personal decision to go all natural. I am now one full month free of putting any man made anything into my body.

I wish you all the best and hope that Mirena is the cause of your hair loss. I know that sounds wierd but I do because you can get it removed and stop it. I cannot tell you in words how hopeless I felt with being told my hair loss just happened and that I had to live with it.

Thank you for sharing your story with me. Keep in touch and let me know what you decide. I am interested in seeing if Mirena is the cause of your hair loss because all women should be told what they are putting into their bodies and what can happen. Thanks and good luck!
Thanks so much for getting back to me so fast! I just made an appt with my derm for tomorrow, so i'll let you know what she says! I agree with you in hopes that the Mirena is the cause because it will be so easy to have it removed and be the end of my problem. But at the same time i hope it isnt just because i've been so pleased with using the IUD, the ease of it. I also have been on some form of bc since i was 16- i completely understand where your comeing from! anyway, thanks again!
Hi, so i said id let you know what the derm said... well she has givin me a Rx for a topical steriod cream to rub on "my spot" :) and i'll see her in 6 weeks to check on the progress. and my spot has grown from a quater size to half dollar size since sunday... :o the doc also did a "hair test" she pulled on the surrounding hair and it was postive, meaning hte hair came out too easily and with the bulb on the end. i'm also going to go in for some labs, glucose and thyrouid... we'll see. did you have to go through any of this stuff? i'm pretty stressed out and thanks for your support

Hello - can you give an update to your hair loss?  I am going through the same thing right now and looking for hope!  I know this is an old post but I hope you will respond!

Hello Erin!

I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia. I started losing my hair about 2 1/2 months ago. I have had the Mirena for about 2 yrs. I noticed that I had a huge round bald spot on the right side of my head. I wasn't sure what it was. Then the begining of this month I noticed another on the left side of my head. i went to my doctor and told him about it and he diagnosed me with Alopecia. I asked him if the IUD was causing it and he said that there was no possible way. I don't believe him. I just want to get it removed and hope that may hair stops falling out. It's so scary. Did u see a difference when u got yours removed. I know your post is old but I'm hoping you will respond or someone with a similar story. Thank You!
Hi Nancy!

Your story sounds so similar to mine. I also had the Mirena in for about three years when I noticed a bald spot on the back of my head. Within two months of finding my first bald spot I lost all of my hair. All of my hair all over my body fell out. I went to doctor after doctor and always put on the list of medicines that I take, Mirena. Not one doctor ever even suggested that it could be the Mirena causing the Alopecia.

So I was completely bald for two years when the Mirena started causing me pain and I decided to have it removed. Girl, within the month my hair started to grow back! I then googled, Mirena and hairloss, and was shocked to find a connection between the two. I would without a doubt, if I were you, have it removed.

I am so sorry that you are going through this. It was probably the most difficult time in my life, I am so thankful to have my hair back. I hope removing the IUD will fix you too. Please let me know how it turns out. Best Wishes!
Thank You so much Erin for responding to me. I'm so glad you're hair started to grow back =) That's very good to hear! Has it completely stopped falling out after you removed it. I'm going to make an appointment and get it removed I can't believe this is happening. It's so hard and scary. Specially since my husband is deployed and I'm so far from any family. I'm having a really hard time. I really hope my hair stops falling out, The good news is that I started seeing re-growth on both spots it's really small but I can see it coming in. I really hope I don't see any more spots. I'll let you know how it turns out.



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