Hello ladies!!

I have started a petition through change.org in hopes to bring massive awareness to the Mirena Birth Control and hair loss. I have had a problem with the Mirena and losing my hair and now that I have researched online I see that I am not alone and in fact there are thousands of women suffering and there is NO warning at all and hair loss is not listed as a side effect and it should be! There is currently a warning on TV commercials about suing over a perforated uterus and perfoated uterus IS listed as a possible side effect, help me understand that. So I am urging all women who honestly believe that Mirena is contributing to your hair loss to please sign my petition. I thank you and I hope we can begin to make some changes, and better our health and our self esteem! Below is the link :)


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I forgot to add my email mizmt@yahoo.com

Dang thing sent me to the hospital, I had allergic reactions to antibiotics I received afterwards. I think it it's what triggered my Celiac and my scarring Alopecia.

Just found your post on the Mirena. I am a year into my baldness with never have had any type of hairloss before. I had my second IUD placed about 2 years ago, now wondering if this could be a probable cause.

At point after Mirena insertion did you notice a difference in losing hair? And when you say baldness are you talking bald spots? Were you able to find my change.org link for the petition?

I had one inserted and kept it the entire 5 years with no trouble with anything at all. I had it switched out and when I did it was terribly painful a lot of cramping and overall didn't feel well. A few months later I started noticing joint discomfort and of course thinking it was from my occupation waited months before seeing my Dr. He confirmed Rheumatiod Arthritis and I began the treatment for that. My Rheumatologist gave me Prednisone 5mg to take daily. I did this for a little over a year with no other problems with the IUD either. Then this time last year and 2 years after placement of the IUD my hair began falling out. My Rheumatologist said it was due to the Medication I was taking, hair loss is a side effect. Stopped taking it but my hair continued to fall out. Within 2 weeks I was completely bald. New Rheumatologist referred me to a Dermatologist who confirmed Alopecia. Currently I have no hair on my body, like my body stopped producing hair completely. Tried high doses of Prednisone to shock my body into hair production but did not work. I keep looking for a reason why this has happened, I have no family members with this and both sets of my grandparents had full heads of hair when they passed and they were in their 90's! I have experienced the hair that is described on my face and on my body I was almost manly looking, and that occured within a year after insertion of second IUD. I have hope my hair will come back and think everyday that it will. But after seeing so many posts about it I'm curious if this is the reason...
Any input you have I'd love to hear and thankyou for posting this!!

Ive had a ton of breakage and then found a bald spot bigger than a quarter on the side of my head about 3 weeks ago! I had the IUD placed in february, almost a year and as time has gone on ive lost so much hair. I just had mine taken out yesterday and im now taking biotin to help my hair grow back faster.



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