Ladies, I have to share with you what I just found out. Last month I had my IUD, Mirena, removed after having it for three years. I lost my hair last year, Nov. '07. Although I went to many doctors to try and find the reason that I was losing my hair not one mentioned the IUD side effects of hair loss. Well, as crazy as it sounds after just one month I have regrowth for the first time since this happened. So, it got me thinking, could my alopecia been caused by Mirena? Thanks to Google I found so many websites that helped me answer that question. So many women have lost their hair because of this birth contol. I know for many of you this info won't be of any use to you, but please remember my story and you might just save one woman from remaining bald for no reason! And by the way, hair loss is only one of the many awful side effects from this drug; Mirena should be researched by anyone considering it as birth control. I will keep posting to let all know if my hair is really going to come back now! Peace peeps!

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Im needing someone to talk to about my mirena hair loss. Could you call me. 660-676-6808

Hi, I took mine 2 months ago and the fall has not stopped yet. But I think he came back as before. The doctors did me, thyroid tests, antibody, hematology and everything went well. I am very worried, I do not see improvement and I see that many here a month already recovered. I do not know if I give it more time, I do not know if it's something else that causes my hair to fall out. In my family there is no history of female baldness. I am very worried and depressed, I do not know if my caudante was the mirena or is something else. Any advice?

I've had Mirena removed 3 weeks ago now and my hair is still falling out like crazy. It is so depressing. I started taking iron supplements in addition to biotin. I think if my hair doesn't stop falling out soon, I might try getting tested for hyperthyroidism as my midwife said that could cause hair loss. I had to have 3 inches cut off recently because my hair looks so scraggly. I have fine hair to begin with so this really sucks. I starting using hair sprinkles on my scalp so you can't tell how thin my hair is on top, which makes me feel a little better. I've been also looking into ordering one of those partial wigs to cover the top of my head, but they're pretty expensive. Let's not give up hope ladies. There are a lot of YouTube videos out there that are positive hair recovery stories.

It can take months to get your hormones balanced. I just started taking ashwaganda supplements. Hopefully they help
Ok girls. Following the advice of our friend Dorota. Today I buy the biotin. Unfortunately the country where I live is going through economic problems and there are things that are on the list that I can not finde. But i will do what i can. I'm using kerastase shampoo anti-fall and a mask to comb my hair in the shower with my hands. My sister told me that it is not good to comb the hair after the shower because the follicles are open and the strength of the comb causes it to fall faster. So I'll wait for it to dry and then comb it. Let's see how this experiment works. If there are any who want to share their progress I leave my number +584144668369 and my instagram josmil_236. We can share our progress. And, in particular, we feel more supported, because there is nobody better who understands you more than the people who pass it same as you. We can not afford

Hi Ladies, I wanted to share my story in the hope it will help others. 

I had the mirena coil fitted early September this year after having a break from hormone based contraception after a bad experienced with the Nexplanol Implant (another story entirely!). Anyway after just two weeks on mirena I noticed a lot of shedding of my hair which is unusual for me. It was all over the house and coming out when washed. By week four it was coming out in large handfuls in the shower and constantly throughout the day. I knew something wasn't quiet right but thought I would see if it settled. One more wash of my hair later and I was so freaked out by how much came out I googled 'Mirena coil' and 'hair loss' (as I had suspected it was the cause) and after reading many stories from other women I immediately booked to have it removed the next day. My GP was surprised to hear when I said it was causing hair loss but was very understanding and removed it for me. 

It is now two weeks post removal and thought I'd share my experience. I am still experiencing hair loss. I had a pretty bad experience washing my hair a few days after removal which was very upsetting. However I have managed to wash it a couple of times now without the same amount coming out which I am hoping continues. I am still shedding throughout the day and with brushing but I expect this will continue until my body gets back to normal.

I did a lot of research into what can help in this situation and based on that this is what I am doing:

1. Drinking lots of water (I like to think this is flushing out bad toxins and remaining hormones in my body, plus you need to be well hydrated to help hair growth)

2. Eating healthy - I don't believe I had a bad diet previously but now I am concentrating on foods that promote hair growth (Nuts - Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, lots of leafy greens - kale, spinach, fortified cereal with pumpkin and sunflower seeds and almond milk for breakfast, strawberries, kiwi, oranges as a good source of vitamin C)

3. Taking supplements - I am taking a Hair, Skin and Nails supplement, Biotin, Folic Acid, Omega 3 and a multivitamin with iron. This might seem a bit overboard but I am going to take these daily for at least a month if not longer. 

4. Using Vivascal shampoo – as i understand you should avoid normal shampoos and this has improved my hair slightly. I am also going longer without washing which has been very difficult for me but I am hoping this helps.

5. I am not dying my hair and avoiding blow drying and straightening my hair when I can, honestly some days I still do this particularly as my self-esteem is pretty low and looking like I’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards is not helping.

6. Using coconut oil – I have experienced my scalp being hot and very itchy since having the mirena removed and found the only thing that actually helps is a coconut oil hair mask although this did mean washing my hair a couple of times to get the oil out which is something I am trying not to do. It did really help with the itching though.

I am now experience a bit of crash, I heard other women have experienced this too. I have backpain, anxiety, hypersensitive to sound, nauseous, mood swings, struggling to concentrate and generally feeling unwell. I am hoping this gets better soon as it is interfering with work and is not fair on my boyfriend (who has been amazing supporting me through this).

Hope this helps others. 

Hi Helen, take care, do not worry, think that this is temporary situation. And do not touch your hair all the time (I used to do that and it upset me a looot, one touch = 3 hair and I have done this all the time, my hubby bit my hands :-)
I am loosing my hair still - but I have noticed improvement. It is 4 month after removal now. I am keeping my finger crossed for all of us. Mirena go to hell!

Hey Ladies, I'm so glad you're out there to discuss. Thanks for sharing your stroies. I'm 6 weeks post Mirena and my hair is still falling out, but I think it might actually be starting to get better. I continue to take Dorota's advice and not brush my hair after the shower. I let it air dry and brush once completely dry. Taking lots of vitamins as well, but I will also give Omega 3 a try as well (Thanks, HelenaJ). About 2 weeks ago, I started wearing clip in extensions in my hair to attempt to add some fullness and body because it's super limp naturally. I've also been using Xfusion hair fibers on my roots to hide my scalp. It seems that I'm loosing the hair all over, but mostly on the crown of my head. My scalp is also very itchy!!! After the shower, I've been applying Aragon oil on my scalp and hair, but I may try coconut oil mask. HenenaJ, how long do you leave the coconut oil mask in your hair? Thanks :)

Hi, I left the mask in for 15 minutes and it certainly helped with itching but it meant washing my hair twice to get out the oil which in turn resulted in a lot of hair loss. Unfortunately now I am going through a 'mirena crash' - I am very unwell with flu like symptoms, backpain, heartaches and struggling to concentrate. Apparently this is common post removal of the mirena. Just hoping I start to feel better soon. 

Thanks for your support all. x

I was on birth control for 20 years in my younger days, I wonder if this is a delayed reaction!?  That never occurred to me. Whatever it was that started it, I'm now dealing with it and appreciating the support I find here! 

I've been getting the shots for 2 years now and have substantial regrowth! The hair is super white, almost transparent and thin but it's there!  I was watching some videos on autoimmune and they were saying to try green smoothies to oxygenate the blood for better circulation. Can't hurt, although I may only get more healthy! :) 

Hi Catgirl

I am not sure either, I have used birth control for 15 years and it was only this year I have experienced negative side effects. For me I think my body has just had enough and I am looking forward to be off it for good. 

I have been drinking smoothies, eating healthy, drinking plenty of water and exercising in the hope it helps. I am still shedding hair like crazy three weeks post removal so i am really hoping it slows down soon. Also, now the other end of the mirena crash so hoping thats a sign my body is getting back to normal 

I had the mirena before and I had no issues just weight gain and moodiness. I have the TX women health plan and they did not cover the mirean when I went back in 2015 to get it in. I got litleta (sp?) and it was Awful I even tried to multiple suicide attempts. And couldn't even freaking get out of bed. I quit my job etc. I then went back to mirena a couple of months ago. Now my scalp is burning and itchy and my hair is thinning. My dr. said I have female pattern baldness because my dad has it? I am like what. N

Now think about 80s thick hair. that's my hair. down to my butt. etc. so thick that I have regular ppl hair now. but my hair is what makes me money (commercial model) I want to kill myself all the time. I think life is worthless. granted I went through therapy. I have never been this bad before. My hair is so thin and receding I am FREAKING out. I hate the way I look and am getting thick dark hair on my face and neck. I have hard cystic acne ALL OVER MY BODY. even my butt. and he told me I have female pattern baldness.
GRANTED I  had mirena before but they HAVE TO HAVE CHANGED THE STUFF! they had to. I never had this issue before. n o other new medicines or anything. Hes saying my hair will not grow back and it will just be this way and keep going away. 

I have lost my mind.. ever loving mind. I am going to get it taken out on Wednesday. my scalp is so itchy it burns and I have so much pain on my head and back.

I was never informed of any of these side effects. I am making a lawsuit. this medicine has ruined my life and my 20s'

I am so worried I see similar things? has this been your issue but spots but overall thinning I think it is hard to see spots because of my hiar length and used to be thickness. 



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