Ladies, I have to share with you what I just found out. Last month I had my IUD, Mirena, removed after having it for three years. I lost my hair last year, Nov. '07. Although I went to many doctors to try and find the reason that I was losing my hair not one mentioned the IUD side effects of hair loss. Well, as crazy as it sounds after just one month I have regrowth for the first time since this happened. So, it got me thinking, could my alopecia been caused by Mirena? Thanks to Google I found so many websites that helped me answer that question. So many women have lost their hair because of this birth contol. I know for many of you this info won't be of any use to you, but please remember my story and you might just save one woman from remaining bald for no reason! And by the way, hair loss is only one of the many awful side effects from this drug; Mirena should be researched by anyone considering it as birth control. I will keep posting to let all know if my hair is really going to come back now! Peace peeps!

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Hi Erin
I know your original post is quite old now but I've just read it after searching for alopecia caused by mirena. I've been diagnosed with alopecia areata. I had mirena iud fitted in feb this year noticed a small spot on top of my head thinning. It was quite scary how quickly it progressed. I've now got 2 large patches at the front which are beginning to merge together and another 2 on the back of my scalp. I went to dr's in may and asked if any possibility iud could have caused it. I had read patient booklet since noticing patch and it lists hair loss as an uncommon side effect. He assured me that it wasn't causing it. He sent me for blood tests which all came back showing that i'm perfectly healty. I then out of curiosity googled mirena and alopecia, needless to say I was shocked at the results that came back. I've since been back to dr's and he's still saying it couldn't be that and has referred me to a dermatologist. I'm now convinced that iud has caused this amongst other unwelcome side effects. I have gained 10lbs even tho I exercise 3/4 times per week and eat very well, i've become very irritable, i've got acne fire 1st time in my life, been getting headaches. The list goes on. I'm getting iud removed in 2 days and I can't wait to get my body back. Dr tried to convince me to keep it in. I am really hoping my hair will start growing back once hormones are out of my system. It's been a horrible few months. Hxx
Erin Let Me know how everything goes! i'm also having my mirena removed next week ugh! i realy hope my hair starts to grow back after its outta my system also!
Erin I have had full regrowth after having the Mirena removed. Where I had my bald spots my hair is now 3 inches long. I truly believe that the IUD was directly correlated with my Alopecia. After having it removed I have not gotten anymore spots. I'm so glad that it is finally out of my body. I am extremely saddened that we all had to go through this because of the Mirena. Even though doctors still say that it isn't caused by it I believe that it is and that women should be warned. I hope you are doing well <3
Hi Nancy! I am so happy for you! I happen to agree with you 100% that the Mirena did in fact cause my hairloss and that ALL women should be made aware of any and all possible side effects with the drugs being offered to them. I was not sure when I made the first post here about the Mirena that I would hear any stories similar to ours but guess what?!... we are not the only ones! I am so glad to hear you listened to your body and not the doctors and that you are now on your road to recovery. Thanks for sharing your story with me. You are a very brave and tough chick!

Hi Erin.
I am glad i read about this, my doctor wrote me a prescription for mirena and i was going to switch to it because i believe my current birth control mirconor is the cause of my alopecia. I was on select for 8 years with no problems, switched to micronor in may and june came around and my hair started to fall out. The doctor said an IUD would be the best route to go. I think i am just going to completely get off birth control and use condoms from now on. that will be way safer for me. I don't want this crap in my body anymore. And the iud can just go away.
Thank you so much for the information ladies. I also had a dermatologist appointment yesterday and started the steriod injection treatments and asked about birth control and he said NO way that that was the cause of my alopecia. i strongly believe that my birth control is. i mean come on i was on the same thing for 8 years with no problems, and bam suddenly i change and now im half bald? gimme a break... ps. i hate these injections. i have a migraine from hell and i have 3 more months of this. hopefully i stop taking my birth control my hair grows back and im in the clear. :) THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS :)
Hi Nancy I have just joined this site as I have been diagnosed with Alopecia Areta and have lost over 70 percent of my hair over a period of 18 months. After having my third child I noticed when she was 5 months my hair falling out in clumps. Also I was losing my eyebrows, eyelashes and pubic hair. The doctors and dermatologists told me that it was due to child birth and that it would stop in very shortly. When it did not stop they told me to give up breastfeeding my child as they said this was draining all the nutrients from my body. This was my last child which took me over 5 years to conceive. To say that I was devastated was a understatement. It has now been 18 months since it all started and my hair is still falling out rapidly. I now also have receding spots at my temples and have lost almost 70 percent of my hair. I read Erins and your reply and realised that I too had the Mirena inserted at the same time as my hair loss. After reading your replies I had it removed 2 weeks ago. I was wondering if you or Erin could tell me how long it took for your hair to stop falling out and regrowing again. I hope and pray that this may be the culprit. Thanks
Hi!! Not too sure if anyone will respond to this post seeing as tho its from a year back... anyways I had my mirena put in in 2008 after having my son. It was the best thing, over the past few months I have had significant hair loss!! I've seen my pcp and a derm. both said it was stress related. its been on doing for almost 2 months and I am beginning to get worried! I wanted to know if anyone had it in for over 2 years and then began to have problems...;) thanks any response would be greatly appreciated!!
I had my Mirena put in in 2008 also! I started noticing a bald spot last Dec.2010 and significantly grow from there goin from the size of a quarter to the size of my palm! I had another smaller spot develop as well I had the Mirena removed end of June and have also been getting injections on my scalp to help my hair come back faster since then my hair has started to come back not as fast as I want! But its growing non the less :) hope this helps
Thanks soo much! I'm soo glad I googled this!! I don't have any bald spots more of just shedding, my hair just continuously falls out in the shower or while brushing. I have an appointment Friday to have it removed! I am praying that the mirena is the reason, so I can go back to having a normal life. Free of hairloss, headaches and ridiculous mood swings!! Thanks soo much! Glad to know I'm not alone!! ;)

Hello c. fernandez! Sorry I'm so late responding but i had my Mirena for over 2 years when I started to get all these side effects. I lost so much of my hair and was diagnosed by my doctor with Alopecia. I read several posts from people online that were under the same situation and had the Mirena. I was so sure that's what it was causing my Alopecia so eventhough the doctors kept telling me that wasn't it I decided to get it removed. I swear as soon as I did I got regrowth in all the spots were my hair was gone. I have not have any more bald spots or hair falling out since I removed the Mirena. For that reason I am convinced that the Mirena was the cause of my hair loss.

Thank you ladies for all your postings. I had my daughter in April and Mirena inserted in June. I always do research on things before I do them, so I googled "Mirena reviews", and they were great, so I got it put in. All of a sudden I noticed a lot of hair falling out, but I just thought it was from the pregnancy, so I gave it another month and no change. I was loosing so much hair, especially in the shower, hand fulls. So I remembered reading that hair loss was a side effect in the Mirena borchure, but I never read any testimonials with hair loss when I went online before I got it put in. I just figured it was uncommon, it wouldn't happen to me, how much hair could it make me loose. This time I googled "Mirena hair loss", what a difference, there were so many stories of women having this problem. Then, I took a good look at my hair and noticed patches of missing hair, I freaked, called the doctor and got it taken out the next day. This was the first time my doctor has heard of this happening, she told me to keep her updated. Within 3 days I lost 3 pounds and my husband noticed I was more relaxed, not so stressed out all the time. Within 2 weeks my hair loss stopped completely and my hair is growing in where I had patches. I gave my doctor the update and she was so happy that my hair stopped falling out and now she knows for future reference that this could be the cause of hair loss. If it wasn't for all the postings, I wouldn't have known. Thank You!
My doctors and dermatologists told me that there was no way that the mirena could be causing my hair loss. I also had my daughter in September and five months later I noticed my hair falling out in clumps. I also started losing pubic hair, eyelashes and eyebrows. They also put it down to childbirth. When it did not stop they told me to stop breastfeeding my child as it was sucking all the nutrients from me. I was devastated as this was my last child and it took us 5 years to conceive her. I did this but nothing has helpt. All blood tests have come back all fine and I dont have any family history of this. I have just had my mirena removed as I have seen all of these replies and I am hoping and praying that this may have something to do with what is happening to me. How long did it take for you to show regrowth. I have all my fingers and toes crossed and have said many prayers for this to stop the hair loss taking over who I am.



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