Ladies, I have to share with you what I just found out. Last month I had my IUD, Mirena, removed after having it for three years. I lost my hair last year, Nov. '07. Although I went to many doctors to try and find the reason that I was losing my hair not one mentioned the IUD side effects of hair loss. Well, as crazy as it sounds after just one month I have regrowth for the first time since this happened. So, it got me thinking, could my alopecia been caused by Mirena? Thanks to Google I found so many websites that helped me answer that question. So many women have lost their hair because of this birth contol. I know for many of you this info won't be of any use to you, but please remember my story and you might just save one woman from remaining bald for no reason! And by the way, hair loss is only one of the many awful side effects from this drug; Mirena should be researched by anyone considering it as birth control. I will keep posting to let all know if my hair is really going to come back now! Peace peeps!

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I noticed a difference in less hair falling out within 2 weeks of Mirena removal and I noticed regrowth within a month of removal.

I've been following this thread since 2009. Thank you Erin, for constantly revisiting and posting. I just wanted to share my experience with Mirena and hairloss because I feel like so few people do follow up once they get it out. I am now 24 years old. I got a Mirena IUD in February of 09 as a 22 year old. For the first 6 months I bled straight, noticed my acne getting worse, and experienced significant overall hairloss. My hair would come out in clumps, all over. I had no specific bald spots, just thinness. The bleeding stopped in August 09 and I was sans period for the next 6 months. The acne and hairloss continued. My hair thinned overall by about 25-30%. Dermatologists, OBGYN, and family practice doc all said the IUD couldn't be the cause.

I decided after reading threads like this to get it out in February of 2010. Which BTW, my OBGYN who did the removal did admit to a connection between the Mirena and hairloss. Within a year my hair had come back, but never to its original fullness. I'd say its still 10-15% thinner than it was 3 years ago. I have light colored hair and feel like I can't dye it darker than it is currently for fear of it highlighting the thinness that still persists on my scalp. My acne got better, and my periods went back to normal.

I got the paragaurd IUD in March of 2011. Overall I have been happy. I had issues with my GI tract when I first got it that seemed to coincide with the severe early cramping after insertion. Within 3 months the cramping and GI issues calmed down and I haven't had any issues since.

I know the hairloss thing can be so traumatic especially to us ladies. I feel like the effects of the Mirena still persist with me a year and a half after having it removed, but have gotton better since having it removed. Goodluck, I just wanted to post a follow up to my own experiences with having hairloss with Mirena, and the changes I've seen in the year and a half I have lived without hormones.

Hi Ladies, my story is slightly different with Mirena. I had it inserted 3 months after the birth of my third child, I had it in for about a year when I decided to take it out. About 4 months later my head became sooo itchy i couldn't stand it. After about 2 weeks I noticed an area on the back of my head where there was not a bald spot, but what seemed to be an area that the hair had boken off. Within 2 weeks of this discovery, my hair began falling out all over my head, or breaking off, never did determine which. Eventually, all my hair did fall out, but never to baldness, it always seemed like there were short soft hairs all over my head.
The hairloss extended to my pubic area, armpits and slightly on my eyebrows. THis went on for 7-8 months, I feel it was related to the Mirena, but of course my doctors disaggreed with me. I was on oral steroids, gained almost 15 pounds and my hair does seem to be growing back, but very very slowly. Somedays I feel it stopped gowing and this is it. I see my Doctor this month and I know he will want me to go on steroids again, but I will decline. My clothes don't fit me the way it is, and insurance doesn't reimburse clothing. I am taking my chances with not using anything medicinal and just praying it continues to grow. I haven't found anyone whose hair fell out after Mirena was taken out. But I'm still convinced it was that.

I am really scared I am getting my iud out today 10/3/12. I have lost most of my hair. I
Have bad mood swings and really depressed. I hope it does not get worse! I have lost 20 pounds. I am never hungry. I look so bad! I cry every day! I have told OB doct. All symptoms! She was blaiming on other meds I take. I have the iud in for 3 years. Bleeding non-stop and only weigh 97 pounds. Thank you for so much info

You can take it out yourself. If the wire string thing is long enough, and it should be reach in the and gently tug it out. I could not feel a thing and it was free!

You know what Trish I lost a lot of weight on it too, I am on no other med.s. I was eating just to keep my weight up I finally got my weight up a bit then took out the evil Mirena and feel better! I had 2 cycles and now we are expecting. May hair is soft, growing and WAY WAY WAY better, getting normal again

I would of never thought it was the iud. Been to several doct. ! I know I have put my boyfriend and son through a lot with my mood swings. Thank u again! I hope they take the iud off the market. Too many bad side effects!

I agree! Or at least WARN WAY MORE!!!!

Hi Thanks to everyone who has posted with their stories about hair loss and this method of contraception as without you i still would be wondering WHY??!!

Im 25 ive had the COPPER COIL in since jun2008.Im not going to blame the coil for everything thats gone wrong in my life but i do believe that it has contributed i have suffered from depression, anxiety, fatigue, bv and thrush near enough every month after my period,(which caused a lot of problems in my relationship as i couldnt have sex because it was so painful) aches and pains in joints, back pains, serious PMS.and the main reason im here HAIR LOSS. I have been losing hair slowly but noticably - i cant REMEMBER exactly when it started but looking at old photos its quite apparent that over time since jun 08 my hair has thinned dramatically. Ive had blood tests to find a reason and the doctor said it was my iron that came back low so ive been taking supplements with no joy. A couple of weeks ago it just got too much and ive been on the internet every moment i get the chance researching the reasons for my hair loss. Anyway, i finally came across hundreds of forums discussing the iud (both mirena and the copper paraguard) and its side effects, and i have found so many women in the same position. For anyone with the paraguard - there is a very interesting website with details of copper toxicity syndrome. However since ive done so much research i personally think that the mirena coil and the copper coil are equally causing this problem.

Im having it taken out in two weeks and i really cant wait. Im looking forward to seeing if my hair comes back, i know if im lucky and it does ill have to be patient and wait. Im just so glad that ive found the cause of this. Ill be sure to post back when ive had it removed and if i have any luck! Id be very interested to hear from anyone that has had the paraguard removed and whether hair does regrow?!

I am new here and posting because I have had hair problems after Mirena too. I had no idea that is what could be causing it until it came out with mt tampon, it pulled right out, so anyone who does not want it pull it out, it's free, cheap, and it DOES not hurt at all. I also had extreme sadness a week to two before my period with Mirena, I had knee pain and I am small not over weight, and back pain, it was horrible. I have had Mirena out of me for almost a month and first of all my hair is better!! My hair is soft again and instead of losing 200 hairs a day it's only a few. When I would pull on my hair before I could pull out at least 15-20 hairs or so maybe more sometimes, now it's 1 or 2 hairs maybe 3! So I know my issues WERE indeed side effects from the birth control for me. I wanted to chime in because a lot of people here have that same question..After the Mirena does hair and everything get better..The answer is YES for me! I think some people are more sensitive to the changes these chemicals a put our body through. I could never take the pill so I did the Mirena, I wish I would have researched it more. Anyway it's out and I am HAPPY!!!!

Oh and email me if anyone has more questions, I am not on here everyday, but i would love to help anyone I can that is going through birth control issues and has questions!



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