Ladies, I have to share with you what I just found out. Last month I had my IUD, Mirena, removed after having it for three years. I lost my hair last year, Nov. '07. Although I went to many doctors to try and find the reason that I was losing my hair not one mentioned the IUD side effects of hair loss. Well, as crazy as it sounds after just one month I have regrowth for the first time since this happened. So, it got me thinking, could my alopecia been caused by Mirena? Thanks to Google I found so many websites that helped me answer that question. So many women have lost their hair because of this birth contol. I know for many of you this info won't be of any use to you, but please remember my story and you might just save one woman from remaining bald for no reason! And by the way, hair loss is only one of the many awful side effects from this drug; Mirena should be researched by anyone considering it as birth control. I will keep posting to let all know if my hair is really going to come back now! Peace peeps!

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My story is up higher in thus blog, but in short I had I the iud in for 1 year, after I took it out my hair began falling out about 3 months later. The way my dermatologist explained it to me was that it take time for the new hairs to migrate deeper into the scalp, so overtime they do get stronger. My color came back too. From all the research I did, there really is no real cure, I've seen several blogs where people just wasted money.

It sounds to me like your hair is starting to come back. I always felt my hairloss had to run its course. I eventually lost my pubic hair, leg hair thinned, armpit hair almost all gone, and then my eyebrows thinned to the point I had to color them in. But, I hung in there, and over time it all came back.

Try to just notice the regrowth....that's the positive for now, no matter how little it is at this point.

just a fyi: The oral therapy I mentioned yesterday was a course of steroids. And my rheumatologist did put me on vitamin d. Get you vitamin d level checked just in case it's low.

Thanks Lynn

So my doctor has finally referred me to a dermatologist but it might take a while before I can get an appointment. I have decided to start the hair loss treatment of 4% Minoxidil + Azaelic Acid. Its just gotten to the point now that I have lost at least a 1/3 of my hair and im scared if I leave it how much more I could loose. I do have regrowth but not enough to account for what I am loosing. And the treatment isnt too expensive, I am happy to pay it if it helps. Anywho I start the treatment weds and so will let you know how I get on. Supposed to start seeing alot of grwoth by 3-6 months of usage so we will see.


Hi All, thanks so much for this amazing discussion that has been going on. After reading it all I ran to check when I had the Mirena inserted. My hair loss was first noticed in Jan. 2009 with only one patch. There aw slow progression at first and it wasn't until last summer that it really got bad. I have not lost all my hair, but there is such thinning and bald spots that it is very noticeable. I didn't start on Mirena until 2010, so I wonder if there could be any effects. Anyone else in the same boat - where the hair loss had already started before Mirena? Thanks so much ladies.


For me it was a year after having it inserted :-( Good luck Stephanie :-)

I've had my mirena since sept 2011. Jan 31st 2013, I ran my fingers though the back of my hair and felt my scalp. I immediately ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror and found a bald spot the size of a half dollar. I just got my hair cut and thinned a week before. I have always had very thick hair and have to do layers and thinning in order for it to be manageable. I started searching online for answers and came across this and several other testimonies of women who lost their hair and think it may have been caused by their mirena. I have an appointment feb 21st to get mine removed. I have started taking vitamins and have an appointment to see a dermatologist, but the soonest they could get me in is march 7th. I have not yet been diagnosed with Alopecia Areata, but after all the research, I'd say that's what they are going to tell me... I will update as soon as I have answers.

Holy moly...another mirena victim here too. Had it about 6 months and have probably lost about 50 percent of my hair. Luckily no bald spots as of yet but it is so thin around the hair line. I have a ten month old and lose a lot of hair post wasn't concerned when it happened with this baby. In fact I had about an inch of regrowth near my temples and in front. This is all gone again...back to bald at the front and temples. If I look in the mirror with the pot lights above, my scalp now shines right through. Lucky enough I have thick hair so to the average person on the street I don't look thin (yet) but I see it and started freaking out. Googled mirena and hair loss and bam. Had the evil device removed yesterday (Feb 21, 2013) and am hoping to be lucky enough (like others I've read about) to have the hair loss stop soon and see some regrowth. Very scary situation for a vain and aging 35 year old. Got my fingers crossed. Hair loss is only one side effect mirena has caused. I also suffered from ovarian cysts (never in my life before mirena), abdominal cramping...and some others. Spread the word ladies...these side effects are clearly more common than reported. Hugs to you all for sharing your stories. Let's hope we can help others out there before they are bald and devastated.

I also have the Mirena and have had complete hair loss for 4 years. I had no idea that it caused hair loss until today! I had alopecia before the IUD but never complete hair loss just patches, after inserted I lost all hair eye lashes and eye brows.

I took my Mirena out and my hair came back. Mirena caused like half my hair to come out over 2 years time, it's horrible! I will NEVER get Mirena or anything that alters my hormones again!

Hey Ladies! I was on here back in February this year saying that I was getting the Mirena out and was going to start taking Biotin ( vitamin ) everyday. Just wanted to report back that ALL OF MY HAIR HAS GROWN BACK!! The large bald patch I had was roughly 3 inches wide 5 inches long on the side of my head, it looked and felt like the hair had been waxed, it was completely smooth. I am happy to report that my hair that has grown back is now about 4-5 inches long and I've noticed that I don't have anymore breakage either. If you are someone that suspects this drug for your hair loss, do not hesitate, get it out! Doctors will tell you that it is Alopecia because hair loss is not on the side effects list for Mirena! When I told my OBGYN why I was taking it out, she looked at me like I was crazy and said she had never heard of that before. She said give it a try but if you don't notice it getting better or you are losing more hair, you may want to get checked for Alopecia. Glad I did what my gut told me to do, not the doctor lol. Good luck ladies!! And Mirena can go to HELL!!!

I work for an OB/GYN who puts in a lot of Mirenas. She tells each and every patient that this device can cause hair loss. To date, we have not seen any patient's with hairloss, but it is a side effect. It is a side effect of any progesterone only medication, such as Depo-Provera injection, Micronor pills, and Nexplanon implant. I'm sorry no one informed you of this. So glad your hair is growing back.

Ariel it's a shame that more doctors to not inform their patients of the hair loss as a side effect. It doesn't happen with all women but it does happen to enough that we should all be warned about hair loss as a possible side effect. If I had been warned hair loss could be a side effect I would have never gotten the Mirena put in, I would have went another route for birth control. The hair loss for me has been traumatizing to say the least I'm just glad most hair has come back, call it vain but it's not right for a woman to have to lose their hair at the hands of some device that's recommended by people we are suppose to trust (doctors)



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