I was diagnosed with frontal fibrosing allopecia at age 41. After trying topical creams and foams as well as injections, one day a light bulb went off and I dug through my files to find some old genetic tests I’d had done years before. At the time the doctors did not know much about mthfr but it was one of the things they screened me for due to a family blood clotting issue (unrelated to the allopecia that came years later). Anyhow, I started doing a ton of research. I found Dr. Ben Lynch’s webpage to be very helpful. I cut gluten as much as possible, stopped taking anything with folic acid (which I learned is a toxin for people with this mutation) and started tAkimg methylated b vitalmins and folic acid. It has truly been like a miracle to me! My eyebrows are nearly completely grown back and I’ve stopped the progression of the allopecia on my forehead hairline! I have not had any more injections and my hairline is still doing great! Still thin but not progressing. It is estimated 40% of the general population has this mutation! I really feel strongly it had a great deal to do with my allopecia. Unfortunately my doctor doesn’t quite seem to understand so I’ve turned to researching on my own. Highly encourage you to get tested. If your doctor won’t do genetic testing.. there are plenty of companies like 23 and me who can!