Hello. I'm a ~40 year old male alopecia universalis sufferer with total hair loss for the past 3 or 4 years.
I also have lifelong atopic dermatitis (the "atopic triad" as I'm sure many are familiar with).
I was giving myself Dupilumab injections for about 9 months, with no change in hair regrowth, but a total elimination of eczema flare-ups.
Started taking Rinvoq 15mg pills 3 months ago (for atopic dermatitis indication).
Hair regrowth is currently about 70% with some patches remaining. The most important improvement has been facial hair; I have some eyelashes and eyebrows now. The hair on my scalp is significant - but wispy, a bit patchy, and not quite back to 100%. When I ran out of pills and had a 2-3 week gap in treatment, eczema flared up pretty bad - perhaps some strong rebound effect. It does not seem to manage eczema quite as well as Dupilumab.
I have just moved up to 30mg dose and we will see how it goes!
Just wanted to share my experience, and participate in this special time with the community as the first real alopecia treatments are coming out now!