I have read up about a few things that are supposed to work for hair regrowth, so I am going to start my own personal trial.  I have tried the pharmacy held stuff years ago with little help, so now Im going to try the following:



1.  Hot water


2.  Onion juice


3.  Aromatherapy oils


4.  Massage (plain and with a massage oil)


5.  Meditation


6.  Self Hypnosis - a bit like meditation and reported to have good results.


7.  Visualisation - imagining I already have a head of hair.


8.  Affirmations - repeated saying positiive statements (my hair has grown back).


9.  Self spiritual healing.


10.  Adding more dairy products and eggs.


Yesterday I did massage without any oil, visualisation, affirmations;  today Iv done hot water twice, affirmations, tonight I will do the massage, visualisation and meditation.


I have a note book to write down what I do each day, and each trial will last 31 days. 


At present I have a little hair on my head, mostly at the back which I shave off, no eye lashes, few eyebrow hairs, no arm, pelvic, stomach, back hair, with some hair on my legs and under arms.


I'll let you know if anything happens.


PS My photo was taken today.


PPS  Just found another on You Tube called Balayam, so I will add that to the list.

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Today I ordered the essential and carrier oils for the Aberdeen Infirmary massage mix.

Iv been doing Balayam a few times, but for not so long, and also the hot bath compress.

My head is still itching like mad.
Received all the oils I need for the above treatment, so I hope to start working on that next week.

Iv got all the wigs and poly. head, to start working on the braids and updos Iv seen on line or invented. At least it makes me feel a bit more feminine. Im also gathering together supplies to make my own decorative pins etc.

Iv also seen how to make scrunches which are easy peasy, so going to try those as well.

Iv started a 7 day non-scalp wash, to see if that will improve my dry head. The hair on my face seems to be growing well, I am getting a good coverage of the usualy baby soft hair most people have on their faces and which I lost.

Iv ordered swiss chard, butternut squash, avocados etc all rich in Biotin, and hope to slowly add them to my diet next week.

Im still doing two meditations/hypnosis everyday, lots of healing thoughts, lots of yoghurt and meats.

I am determind to get this sorted in the next two years ( I say two as I understand the hair takes a while to grow).

The itch has died down a bit now.

PS I also found out that vaseline helps the eyelashes grow, so Im going to try that too.
I checked in the mirror last night, I have definate scalp regrowth in some areas which hadnt been growing before, its very fine white hair, so cant be seen unless you look in a certain way. YIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Way to go Patricia!!!!

This is what I believe is working. I too am doing guided visualisations and picturing myself with hair and really seeing how it feels and what I would be doing. I am also doing yoga, eating a diet that is rich in green leafy veg and grains (almost no dairy as it upsets my stomach). I am also addressing what deep down has been bothering me for a long time - changed jobs and separated from my husband (in the process of) amongst other things.

Please keep me updated as to how your progress goes. I believe that this is the way to treating our alopecia!
Thanks Chris, Iv done a little more if you want to see the new post.

If your not having diary, you need to add lots and lots of other proteins (lentils, meats, fish etc).
Thanks Chris, I do believe the total body, mind, spirit thing is very important.

This week, I went without washing my head at all to help the natural oils come through and its a lot less dry.

Iv found out that its best to sleep on satin or silk, it stops breakage and tangles in the hair. You can also use scarves or caps, so I got my satin scarves out and have been wearing them in the night. I will need to get few pillow cases, as the scarves do fall off during the night.

Iv started doing the hot compresses again yesterday.

Iv also started to add protein, biotin, vitamin c rich foods which help the growth of hair. It has also been reported that molasses is good for hair growth as it has iron and other stuff in it, so thats on my list. Im also trying to keep my liquid intake up, as I have a tendency towards dehydration.

Still doing daily massages, hypnotherapy/meditations. Iv even gone to the extent of buying some hair toys, and also a hairstyling head to practice the hairstyles I have invented.

The Aberdeen study oils await in the cupboard, and I need to make a Drs appoint for two weeks time for a review, so I'll be doing that on Monday.

Keys so far: Balayam (thats a yoga technique for rubbing nails), eatting more liver, diary (mostly yoghurt), proteins, liver, swiss chard, avocado, potatoes, carrots, parsnips, introducing oats again. Also meditation on healing the hair, hypnotherapy on the same, visualsation of having long lushious strong healthy hair, massages of the scalp, hot flannel compresses (simple put a hot flannel on your head until it cools, be careful not to scold yourself), and hanging out with people with healthy hair.
Good work Partricia - you seem very determined. I really admire you!

What about any of the emotional and psychological stuff - addressing your fears, forgiving people who may have caused you pain in the past? Have you got a good support group with friends and family who are health promoting? These are the things that I am having to work through at the moment. I realize that I have been carrying some heavy stuff around with me and have started to unload. I think I am about half way there because while I feel lighter from some of the changes that I have made, I still feel like I am carrying some tightness in my chest. I am doing breathing exercises during both yoga and meditation to try and release the tension.

I am going to try your hot flannel compress - I know that my body responds well to any type of heat therapy so that sounds like a good one (maybe with a nice aromatherapy tincture). Thanks for sharing!

Also, on another posting you mentioned putting a survey together to determine the types of things that people with alopecia may have in common. Chris L and I have offered to help you out with that if you are interested.
Yep I am still interested, I just need to work out what to ask, and how to lay it out.

Iv seen a councellor numerous times over the year with issues and they werent that helpful, so thats why I journal every single day, it helps me gain perspective. Forgiveness I have to work on, but I just pass that on to God, and let him deal with it.
Iv booked my Drs appointment for a Alopecia review for the 8th April, Iv got lots of questions to ask:

1. Would my Neoclarityn antihistamine cause shedding, as clarityn apparently does (The Hair Bible by Kingsley).
2. Some groups recommend a certain verginal cream for scalp hair regrowth, so I will ask her about that too.

Its mostly for her to see the before, so I can then try the Essential Oils and see if there is a difference.

Iv added Swiss Chard to my diet, and also back on the Oat porrdige. Iv compiled a huge list of all the foods to eat for good hair, nails and skin regrowth. You need to google the following: Biotin, Protein, Vitamin A, K, C, Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Omega Fatty Acids. I'll add a list if you want me too.

I visit Hair forums every day and trawl their topics on hair growth, nutrition etc.

Iv also order some satin pillowcases, apparently it helps to stop tangling and shedding. Iv tried sleeping in satin scarves but they dont stay on the head.

Iv got three books from the library on hair:

The Hair Bible by Kingsley - its very informative about hair care, hair problems and so on. I dont agree with some of his advice, especially the daily wash.

Hair Care and Hairstyles by Nicky Pope - This is more for those interest in hairdressing, with a 280 style ideas and how dos.

The world of Hair by Dr John Gray - this is a bit of everything, with bits on hair care, hair problems, hair styles etc.
Just found the web link for the Aberdeen Infirmary study mentioned:

Just a little update:

Iv recieved the Black Treacle, which is half molasses and treacle; the first is supposed to help hair growth as it contains vitamin B and other goodies. As far as I can see you put it on the scalp as part of the Snowy Moisterising Treatment (its usualy your fav conditioner with aloe vera and honey).

I do have very little white hair on my head, including some in the alopecia scared areas. I see the Drs on the 8th, so after that I hope to start some of the concoctions Iv learnt about. My facial hair is rareing away, although my eyebrows and eyelashes are still badly affected.

Im wearing silk scarves all the time, including in bed, and have now got some silk pillowcases to trial today onwards.

Started drinking nettle tea, and I want to try doing a scalp rub too.

I still have itching on the head, eyelashes and brows. Im still eatting a lot of raw spinach with lettuce, and a small amount of swiss chard and water cress.

NB Iv had no hair growth in these areas for about 5 years, which falls inline with the start of my Leaky Gut Syndrome and thus Im working predominantly on the lack of good nutrition. My diet needs to be high in Biotin, Protein, Vitamin C, Silica, with touchings of the others.
Checked in with the Dr today, and she agreed that my hair looks like its started a growth phase. I gave her the list of things I want to try:

Aberdeen Infirmary Study Aromatheraphy Recipe
Melanie Von Zabuesnig AU Aromatherphy Recipe
Aloe Vera
Blackstrap Molasses - Unsulphured for Asthmatics
Vaseline - on eyelashes and eyebrows
Monistat Vaginal Cream for scalp
Caster oil, Olive Oil (and Virgin) and other oils
Soft Boar Bristle Brush
Adding foods rich in good hair vitamins and minerals
Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (this one might be dodgy so needs more research)

on top of what Im doing at present

Hot water flannel compresses
Self Hypnosis
Scalp massage with just the hands no oils
Nutritional Improvement
Using satin scarves and pillows.

On top she recommended I take an iron supplement for the Ferritin. If I can get one just with Ferritin I'll do that as well.

Im going to begin by doing 1 month trials keeping a daily diary of whats done etc. Im going to do hot water flannel compresses twice a day for one month, since that does make my scalp itch.

PS: I also recommend you all check out forums to do with long hair, as many have wonderful tips for hair growth and hair care.



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