I have read up about a few things that are supposed to work for hair regrowth, so I am going to start my own personal trial.  I have tried the pharmacy held stuff years ago with little help, so now Im going to try the following:



1.  Hot water


2.  Onion juice


3.  Aromatherapy oils


4.  Massage (plain and with a massage oil)


5.  Meditation


6.  Self Hypnosis - a bit like meditation and reported to have good results.


7.  Visualisation - imagining I already have a head of hair.


8.  Affirmations - repeated saying positiive statements (my hair has grown back).


9.  Self spiritual healing.


10.  Adding more dairy products and eggs.


Yesterday I did massage without any oil, visualisation, affirmations;  today Iv done hot water twice, affirmations, tonight I will do the massage, visualisation and meditation.


I have a note book to write down what I do each day, and each trial will last 31 days. 


At present I have a little hair on my head, mostly at the back which I shave off, no eye lashes, few eyebrow hairs, no arm, pelvic, stomach, back hair, with some hair on my legs and under arms.


I'll let you know if anything happens.


PS My photo was taken today.


PPS  Just found another on You Tube called Balayam, so I will add that to the list.

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Great to hear that meditation is working for you as well - Holly.
Started scritching (gently scratching the head) followed by a massage just with pads of the fingers. After a week of doing this without any water or stuff of any kind, the scalp was looking a lot less flaky. I went back to my normal routine of aqueous and water and the flakes came back straight away. I may need to get a filter for the shower as Im in a very hard water area.

Intoduced Bananas to my diet, as they are high in good hair vitamins.

Some of my scalp baby fine hair has dropped out, but I can see some dark hair coming through (three strands). My eyeslashes are growing, quite weirdly, the lower is going good but the upper only a few lashes.

Still got lots to try. Iv taken a 1 month progress photo, but there is little you can see as any baby hair is so fine it doesnt show up easily.

Found out about Porosity tests this week. You take some strands of hair (one from back, top and side) and place them in water. If they sink quickly (5-10 seconds) they have a poor porosity, and thus become easily damaged with treatments etc.

PS: I have noticed numbness where there is no hair, as if the skin underneath is just numb. I wonder if this is a sign of the AA/U or if its unique to me.
Just a little update:

Found using soap on my scalp just makes it dandruffy, so Iv stopped doing that, and just use water at the moment.

Vaseline in my nose made my nasal hair fall out, so hopeing I can get that to regrow. NB It also made my eyebrows fall out as well, so be careful if your going to trail that one.

My Eyelashes have also stalled.

This definately seems to be an out of sink hair cycle. As someone said to me, the auto immune system response is just that a symptom and not the cause, we need to find the cause, and stop treating the symptom.

My scalp hair is definately itching more with having a banana a day, and I do have more baby fine hair but still patchy. My system also seemed to like a tablet for fungel infections - so I wonder if it could be something like a blood born fungal infection, I know that sounds silly, its just a thought. From a forum I am on a certain Vaginal cream diluted and rubbed on the scalp helps speed up hair growth.

I would love a study of those Alopecians who have a sudden remission (who dont have medical treatment for the Alopecia), to see what else they took or ate to see if that had an affect on it. Wouldnt it be strange if it was a blood infection!
Hi Patricia
I would definately stay away from anything Petroleum based such as vaseline.

If you are suspecting fungal infections I would look at food combining - stay away from the sweet fruits - and no carbs and proteins at the same time, etc. I have an excellent article on this if you are interested. I am also sticking closer to the alkaline foods and steering away from acidic foods such as red meat, most fruit, coffee, chocolate and alcohol (tough one for me) - lots and lots of veggies is the key for those of us with alopecia.

Although I still have all fine white hairs, my hair is longer now (3-5 inches) and I don't have any patches that don't have some regrowth. I attribute this to diet (I am on a special supplement right now which is also providing me with more energy and helping me sleep better too) and to bringing down my stress levels. Also, I haven't coloured my hair since I put in extensions and an integrated hair system.
Thanks Chris

I would be interested in any information you can give me.
Checked yesterday and I can see a lot more baby fine hair, its very hard to see as its white on the scalp, even in supposed scarred areas.

My nasal hair and eyelashes have still stalled but I think they will come back in time, hopefully witout turning inwards. I have yet to notice any hair regrowth on the arms or elsehwere.

Im eatting lots of protein, dairy, bananas, apples, porridge oats, spinach and swiss chard (this is daily). Im having two nettle teas a day as well as two peppermint teas.

I dont know if I mentioned before, Iv also printed off pictures of people with beautiful long hair and pinned them to the wall by my bed, so I can see them first and last thing, to remind my hair what to do.

Its hit Summer here in the Uk, so hopefully with the warmth it will incourage the hair to grow more.

Its early days but Im hoepful. Since beginning my research, Iv got more regrowth then Iv had in a good 6 years.
hello patricia,
I have a question. when did you lose your eye brows and lashes. I lost them 6 years ago and havent got any regrowth. :((( I have had regrowth on my scalp but nothing on the lashes and brows.... So I feel very upset :((
That is a great question, and Im not sure of the answer. I think it was when I lost my whole body hair, it would be just after 2003ish.

Iv had some regrowth, but it soon falls out. Unfortunately the last time on my eyebrows I tried some vaseline which didnt work and made it fall out early.

I get the baby fine white hair in my brows but it doesnt seem to progress although I do have a few normal eyebrow hairs.

My eye lashes seem to be growing, then stalling for some reason. Its like the hair wants to grow but something is stopping it doing its normal cycle.

Iv had more activity there since starting all these trials then I have for years.

My nasal hair is behaving the same way.

NB I did have to take one off medication that does cause hair loss, so some of this recent shedding may be due to that..

The hot compresses seemed to work well to stimulate growth. We're in Summer here, so hopefully that might speed up the process.
Just a little update.

On my scalp there is definate regrowth of fine white hair. Now Im not sure which type of hair these are, but it is growing. The whole scalp is now rough to the touch and no longer smooth.

My brown eyebrow hairs haven fallen out, but then I didnt have many of those I have noticed a lot of fine white hairs growth their, so Im not worried.

My eyelashes are growing and falling out at a good speed, so I may need to go back to hot compresses.

No nasal hair has returned since I used vaseline on the area to stop the pollen.

I want to try doing hot compresses on my left arm, which has no hair, compared to no treatment on my right arm which also has no hair to see if there is a difference.

Iv found out that Coffee used as a rinse on the scalp may help hair regrowth. I was wondering if it was the cafeine, which would mean tea would work.

Iv relaxed a bit with it now, keeping up the pressure but not over the top with it. I do have to remind myself it is normal for hair to fall out at a certain time, go into a resting phase and then begin to grow again.

I have a theory that Alopecia is more like an infection in the blood, it would be interesting to see if anyone taking a fungal medicine had marked regrowth. Iv read that Candidas can actually disguise itself to the bodies antibody system, wether this is true or not I dont know.
Found some body hair on my shoulders yesterday, I hadnt noticed it before and it was quite long. I have a lot of really short (less then a mm) white hair on my scalp still in patches, one hair has grown over 2cm so I know thats a normal hair. I have always had some leg hair but Im sure there is more of it, plus my under arm hair seems to be getting back to its usual self.

My eyelashes are causing a probelm as I still have to watch them for turning inwards.

Im eatting lots of veg, spinach, watercress, bananas, pears, tinned peaches.

I'll do a thorough check on the 13th when I take my scalp progress pictures.

NB Since starting these trials I have had more hair growth then over a 6 year period of AU.
Thats great news Patricia!

I have started an alkaline diet and using food combining methods (eg - no eating carbs and protein in the same meal) - my eczema and rosacea cleared up within days of doing this. So I know that getting my gut back to normal is going to help in the uptake of the nutrients from all of the veg and seaweed products I am taking in. I think the next month is going to be very interesting to see how my hair responds to this new way of eating.

I am still using mantras, meditation, yoga, acupuncture and massage in conjunction with the new eating regime. Since December 2009, when I lost my last clump of hair, my hair has been steadily growing back. It is anywhere from 1mm to 4 inches long (it has been growing back faster in certain areas).

Diet and supporting the body with yoga and meditation are important, but I am also in the process of making changes in other areas of my life that affect my overall health.
I couldnt agree more.

I think the culprit might be a candidas type infection. I found out that the nasty thing can fool the body into thinking its not there - how weird is that.

As a friend on the LHC forum (a wonderful place full of knowledge) said to me, they need to find the cause and stop treating the symptom for the immune problems.

Eating wise, my hair just loves Biotin foods so I eat a lot of spinach, swiss chard, bananas etc.

Iv also found visualisation, meditation is a must.



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