I have read up about a few things that are supposed to work for hair regrowth, so I am going to start my own personal trial.  I have tried the pharmacy held stuff years ago with little help, so now Im going to try the following:



1.  Hot water


2.  Onion juice


3.  Aromatherapy oils


4.  Massage (plain and with a massage oil)


5.  Meditation


6.  Self Hypnosis - a bit like meditation and reported to have good results.


7.  Visualisation - imagining I already have a head of hair.


8.  Affirmations - repeated saying positiive statements (my hair has grown back).


9.  Self spiritual healing.


10.  Adding more dairy products and eggs.


Yesterday I did massage without any oil, visualisation, affirmations;  today Iv done hot water twice, affirmations, tonight I will do the massage, visualisation and meditation.


I have a note book to write down what I do each day, and each trial will last 31 days. 


At present I have a little hair on my head, mostly at the back which I shave off, no eye lashes, few eyebrow hairs, no arm, pelvic, stomach, back hair, with some hair on my legs and under arms.


I'll let you know if anything happens.


PS My photo was taken today.


PPS  Just found another on You Tube called Balayam, so I will add that to the list.

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Great news folks, got a few hairs on my arm, havent had those in 6 years! Boy does it itch!

Iv checked my eyelashes and Iv got a lot of dark eyelashes coming through and so far all are normal and not turning into the eye.

Iv been having a warm bath every morning (I found out the salt can cause breakage), so nothing in the water, and I use Boots Aqueous soap.

The scalp hair is still patchy and still growing, its too short to know what sort of hair it is yet, but hopefully when it goes over 2cm then it will be confirmed as normal hair.

Im keeping my notebook journals up to date, so if its is considerable hair growth I can pass them over to the dermatology people to check out. This is very important for not only your sanity but for progress.

Isnt it brilliant they found the Protein the causes the illness! Yiipppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hi Patricia,
How long have you had AU and how long have you had Alopecia. This is amazing progress and essential that you are documenting it.

On a discussion I started, a woman named Beth said that her alopecia is recovering as well - she is on a strict diet but also claims that candida was at the source of the problem. So I too have started treating myself for candida as I believe that it is preventing the uptake of so many essential nutrients - no point in getting all of that kale and spinach in us if we aren't going to assimilate it. I think that and the acid in my diet may explain the brittle nails I have had since childhood and the progression of autoimmune problems.
Iv had AA since I was 13 (Im now 44) but it became AU about 6 years ago.

I dont have brittle nails anymore, but I used to have appauling nails years ago. I just keep mine no longer then the finger itself and they are fine, any longer and they break.

I want to trail having the onion family on a daily basis, I'll also have beetroot, or yoghurt to counteract the acid, I do believe its the prosphate in the veg that does the trick, plus ofcourse they are natural antibacterials and antibiotics.
A little update:

The 2 cm new hair I had, decided it wanted to fall out, but Iv got new stuff regrowing, it maybe the natural renewal progress, I will be able to see if it grows longer then 2cm.

I stopped using vaseline inside my nose (used to stop pollen) and my nose hair has started to grow back. So vaseline use is a definate no no for me.

Iv noticed some arm hair growing, and Im sure I have more leg hair. Eyelashes are growing in patches, but some are still bending a little but not in to the eye.

Iv got to go for some more tests I think as they think I might not have Asthma now, but I wont know until Drs ring me sometime this week. I also have to go to the Hospital for tooth extraction at some point (the nasty thing cracked in two the whole way down, so the Dentist didnt want to touch it.
I had the lung test and I have the lung age of a 24 year old, and not previously thought of 55. Yipeeeeeeee! I consequently saw the Dr and shes put me on some more allergy meds (an alternative to steriods), and Im doing a 1 month trial to see what happens.

My blood feels a lot better, very little buzzing/muzziness and my lungs feel a lot cleaner, but still have joint pain. Im hopeing it may also help my hair growth. My skin still feels numbish underneath. Im seeing a Dental surgeon in the coming months so Im going to discuss the connection with them, and see what they say about it.

I lost a lot of the new hair, but Iv noticed some more growing, its coming through very very pale so still very hard to see. My eye lashes seem to be going through a growth spurt, hopefully they will come back ok, they are very pale so very hard to see without good light.

I took a bit of time off from the hair research, I just needed a rest, now Im back to it.

I want to try eatting more Beetroot, or have some juice as this helps things like anaemia and lowers blood presure, although the later I already have, so I need to check with Dr first.
Thanks Marlene

Iv been taking my new meds for my breathing for about three weeks now, and Iv noticed some very good eyelash regrowth. Wether its the meds or not, Im not sure, as they were going through a minor regrowth before I took it. I will check with the Dr when I see her next month.

Changed my visualisation to having cropped hair, as I think imagining having long hair maybe too much of a step.
The Dr couldnt see why the medication would cause hair regrowth so thats a good thing. Iv got quite a few eyelashes, and something going on with the scalp (looks like short fuze but too short to really see in patches). The shedding is still bad.

My theory is still that the antibodies are attacking something already in the blood, and not going over the top - like a long standing infection etc. One thing is called Fungemia which is a fungal infection of the blood similar to Candida. When I have some more blood tests Im going to see if I can have a test for that. It does give you cold like symptoms which I have anyhow due to allergies, so it may be hidden.
hello patricia

could you show us your regrowth with a picture. I really want to se your new hair..
I have tried but it wont show up its so very fine. A lot of it has fallen out - Iv started to loose my eyelashes again, but some scalp hair remains. This doesnt sound much like Alopecia to me - to suddenly regrow but as suddenly fall out - it normally doesnt go that way for me.

Im at the hospital next week for dental work, so Im going to have a word with the surgeon to see if he knows anything - as I have a lot of problems with my mouth as well. A candida infection can cause these problems.
No I havent been tested for Candida, I have a ever growing list for the Drs next set of blood tests, but they really dont like doing them for me. It took me 10 years to get a diagnosis of Leaky Gut Syndrome, and that week Id visited the Drs 4 times to badger them.

I was on a completely gluten free diet and it didnt make a bit of difference to my hair growth, so I know its not that with me. I do believe it is an infection in the blood, as I have a lot of underskin pins and needles and problems with my mouth. All the Dentist said it sounded to be nerve problems - thats medical men for you.

It could well be a malnurtrition thing, as I used to eat a lot of chocolate and fried food and as soon as I ate healthy my hair fell out. I did have a zinc and selenium deficiency before but Iv been told its OK now.

My hair is still in there in parts its like a fine white stubble but with an extremely slow growth rate - the usual is 2.25 cm a month - mines hardly moved in that time. My scalp is itching like crazy so its either going to fall or grow.
Just a little update:

Iv had some small patches of hair regrowth - it is less then a mm long and seems to be staying at that length. Its white and on the scalp, so Im not sure what type of hair it is. The small bit of hair I do have on scalp, and legs is growing well.

Iv found out that watercress was used by the Romans and Greeks for hairgrowth, but you need to watch your intake as it has lots of vitamin A in it, so can be toxious. I get a very high energy buzz from it so Im eatting it about twice a week.

Iv also started another visulisation of imagine Devine energy coming down over my head and down me to my feet like a waterfall would. Just done for a bout 10 seconds a few times a day is best at the beginning if you havent done this before. Iv had some scalp itch with it.

Lost my eyelashes, nose hair and brows again, and no sign of regrowth as per yet.

I still havent found a good wig that doesnt make me itch, I do have very sensitive skin anyhow, so its a hard one.

Its very very cold in the Uk, its the worst winter for 100 years. Weve had 12 inches of snow over three days and its begun to thaw now. I was so very cold, with about six layers on and a hot water bottle sitting next to a radiator. I dont think people appreciate how cold Alopecia Univarlis/Totalis is! I would quite easily have sworn at anyone who said to me 'Its only hair'!
New year update 2011.

I have some new fine white hairs on the scalp in some new places, still majority bald. My scalp is itching like crazy so either growth or fall out spurt.

My eye lashes are showing some movement as well.

Iv been eating the watercress three times a week, with a salad, so maybe the romans had it right. I also have 1 arm hair which I havent had in at least three years. Hopefully Im doing something right.

Iv had shingles on my chest, and now it may have progressed to my face, so not a good Xmas for me. Hopefully its on its way out now.



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