Hi - I've had alopecia most of my life. Until recently, my fingernails didn't seem to be affected. I have several fingernails that are lifting away from the nail bed. I thought it may have been a fungal infection after a manicure but the lab test results were negative. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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Yes, I have one "wonky" nail that they said is a fungus, but no test was ever done.
I am on several of my nails jusst slightly. My derm says they will get crappy.. what ever that means. I have to keep a nail stengthener on them and buff the ridges down to make them smooth.. sucks! What do you do?
Same problem. My doc suggested the vitamin supplement biotin. Research this supplement for yourself and see what you think.
I've taken biotin also. It helps alittle bit with making the nails stronger
Thanks for all of the replies. Will look in to Biotin. In the meantime, I just keep them clipped very short so I don't accidentally bump them and lift them up even further (ouch!). Will also probably start wearing polish regularly.
I lost three toe nails last year they just feel off, they were not painful, the nails just lifted off. I was panicking because I thought I was going to loss all my nails. The nails have since grown back.
hmmm! and more to look forward too!
My daughters nails also changed when this happened to her. She is 9, but i noticed her nails were always brittle. I started giving her multi vitamins, and biotin. I noticed a slight difference. Lately i gave her skin hair and nails herb the main ingredient I wanted to make sure she had was MSM. Her nails have improved and I dont see the lines and bumps in them anymore in a short amount of time. I also gave her other vitamis as well. They even grow faster.

Hi All  - I started this discussion in 2011.  Since that time, I've endured injections into the base of my fingernails which works, but only for three months and it hurts so badly that I cry like a baby!    So, now I am trying a dose of methotrexate instead of the injections.   It's been 6+ months since my last injection and just now, most of my nails are starting to separate.   The last time I saw the doctor, they injected one finger where the nail was really starting to lift again.   I was hoping that this drug treatment would work, maybe it is, but just not perfectly.   Oh, if you try this you do have to have lab/blood draws to ensure your kidneys aren't affected.

So frustrated to have this happen, but am hoping for the best.



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